
How To Know If Agile Business Analyst Is Real Or Just A Myth?

What is an Agile Business Analyst? What do we even mean by it? Have you heard about it? Well, we know what agile means, right? It means to move quickly! But how can a business analyst move quickly with all the BA responsibilities like gathering requirements, analyzing and documenting it, understanding business problems and solving it? 

job interview

After sending out tens or even hundreds of resumes and passing through countless rounds of interviews, you’ve finally received that longed-for job offer. 


Software Engineer Interview Questions To Hire the Right Candidate

Finding the right software engineer is always a difficult job, whether it is freelance or in-house, but it can be less difficult if you know exactly what you are looking for. If you know the right questions to ask, then it is not going to need a lot of work.

break into a new industry

It's not that easy to change careers. Whether you're looking for a new job or considering a new business venture, you'll have to go through several steps to get where you want. Here are some tips to keep in mind when entering a new industry. 

Large scale of forensic nurses subspecialties

Their supportive role is incomparable and their contribution unnoticed, the profession nearly secret and in everyday life not reflected. Outside of thrilling detective stories we would hardly think of this profession as an employment option. Qualified enough to largerly compensate the post-assault traumas or missing clues in criminal investigations, yet requiring a supervised practice and life-long consistent education

Working in Japan

More than a quarter of Japanese population are people 65 years and older, which translates to more than 30 million senior citizens. The portion of Japan’s aging population will continue to grow due to low birth rate and high living expectancy. It is predicted that in the next fifty years, the proportion of people 65 years and older will increase to 38%.

Freelance - Independent Responsibility but Responsible Independence too

Elimination of rigidity is probably the biggest windfall! The toughest part is not the one about material investment. After a while, you discover it is not your time and effort either. To determine your value deems most fastidious decision as only You comprise the most valuable input. Both the product and labour market already suggest promising signs predicting sizable potential and larger playground for freelancers.

How to Choose a Professional Resume Writer

A resume is meant to market your skills, academic qualifications, and job experience to a potential employer. It is the first contact you will ever have with a company, and as such, it needs to be perfectly done. A good way to make sure your resume is flawless is to enlist the services of a professional resume writer.

 Recruit from Instagram

Instagram is an iPhone application (and now Android) that allows users to take photos, add filters, and share those edited photos on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. in one app. It was bought by social networking giant Facebook for £ 1 billion and has more than 50 million users.

Freelance designer

When you first came up with the idea to become a freelancer and to turn your unique skills into an exceptional money-making venture, you may have thought that itis a novel concept. However, it soon turned out that your idea is not actually novel after all, and many others who have more experience than you may also be competing for the same jobs.

internet job search

Every day, the term “The New Economy” or “The 4th Industrialisation” starts to pop out on the various media platforms. We have to be very vigilant and careful because our jobs may be taken away by robots or automation. It seems to come straight out from the Terminator movie-franchise.

Scared Black Attorney

A Flaw That I Did Not Know That I Had as an African American Female in Law School. I can never say enough about law school. It changed my life. I didn’t grow in the ways that I thought that I would grow going into law school, especially as an African American female

Is JAVA a Better Career Option for Newbies

The article explains the importance of Java and its role in the Information Technology sector. It highlights the key role that Java plays in creating careers in IT field. It entails the different career opportunities that Java students have in comparison to the other courses

7 Ways To Ease The Transition From Stay-At-Home Mom To Working Mom

It is a myth that stay-at-home moms are doomed to forever struggle with getting back to work. The truth is that while it may indeed be a challenge, it is very possible for SAHMs to regain their professional career outside the home

Graduate College

We might declare that we know ourselves better than anybody, but the fact remains same that we do not know ourselves. The fast pace life that we all live is just the rush to keep up with the need of the hour and manage daily living. 

 Gateway to Success With Career Astrology Prediction

Astrology as an interesting subject is purely based on science and logic put behind it. Some people might consider it as an assumption, but it has calculated equations that are hundreds of years old.

Hire interns

Who is an intern? The Intern is a university student or trainee who works sometimes without pay in order to gain some work experience or satisfy the requirement for a qualification

The world of web development is quite a huge one, and there are numerous programming languages associated with the same. PHP is one such language, and the full form is Personal Home Page. For those who do not know, it is an HTML powered server-side language based on scripting.


Over the years, I have worked with many people who are not happy with the career they are in. These people just do it for the money or are simply trying to make ends meet. 

If you have reckoned that you need to move on from your current job then the first step you need to take is to inform your employer that you are parting ways with them

5 Tips on How to Successfully Plan Your Retirement

We all would like to have financial security in the future, but most of us aren’t taking the righ
