Disappointing Job Offer? 4 Ways to Negotiate for a Higher Salary

job interview

After sending out tens or even hundreds of resumes and passing through countless rounds of interviews, you’ve finally received that longed-for job offer. 

You’d love to say yes right away, but something’s holding you back.  Though perhaps the benefits package is strong, the salary is below what you’d hoped for or previously discussed with HR.  Should you throw in the towel and simply wait for another job offer or accept a salary you might later regret? 

Don’t give up just yet!  In response to their last job offer, 55% of candidates attempted to negotiate salary in 2019.  If you don’t try, you could be leaving money on the table and throwing away a potentially great opportunity. 

When it comes to salary negotiations, however, tread carefully and know that you might not get what you want.  Remember though - you certainly won’t get it if you don’t try. To assist you, we’ve gathered 4 ways to help you negotiate for a higher salary. 

1. Research Salaries for the Position: Researching salary is not as simple as checking PayScale or Glassdoor (though that doesn’t hurt!).  Go above and beyond. Salaries will vary depending on region, company size, and position requirements.  Even factors like whether the organization is a nonprofit, startup, small business, or established corporation will affect appropriate salaries for the role. 

Check online forums, ask around, and don’t forget to look into cost-of-living numbers for the job location.  Will you need a car or a public transit pass to get to and from the office? Will you be traveling for work?  Will you be expected to put in 10+ hours a day? All of these factors should be considered when completing your research.

It’s best to calculate a specific range that you can demonstrate is fair to the organization and to you.  Determine numbers that are a win-win for everyone.  Specificity shows the company that you’ve put real thought into your proposed numbers and ranges suggest that you are flexible and fair-minded.

2. Be Prepared to Explain Your Calculations: 70% of hiring managers expect candidates to try for more salary on receiving an offer.  In light of this, don’t be afraid to ask for a fair and well-researched number.  The worst that can happen is that they’ll tell you it’s not possible.

Ask if there’s any room for negotiation.  If so, propose your range simply, but be prepared to back up your numbers with reasoning if asked. 

3. Consider Whether Other Perks will Do: Even if the salary itself is not negotiable, there may be some wiggle room in terms of other benefits.  Perhaps the employer is happy to give you extra paid vacation time, cover your transit costs, or provide funding for education.  Decide before your negotiation which benefits (if any) would also be sufficient for you to accept the offer. 

4. Be Grateful: Regardless of whether or not you accept their offer in the end, be grateful.  Your salary negotiations won’t likely work if you are rude or demanding.  Always be sure to communicate how thankful you are that they want you and how much you would like to accept, while also making sure that you make the best decisions for yourself. 

It’s a wonderful thing when both you and the offering employer walk away happy from a fair and polite salary negotiation.  Show potential employers you know your worth and that you’re willing to ask for it with grace.

When it comes to payments, salary is not the only complicated area.  If you use payment processing services in your business, you need to validate checking account information ACH check verification to lower payment risks.

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