Should You Replace Your Water Heater Or Hire a Plumber?

Should You Replace Your Water Heater Or Hire a Plumber?

This is not the best question to ask when you are making decisions about your home. If your appliance fails, what should you do? Should you replace your water heater or hire a plumber? Here are some guidelines to guide you through the process of making that important decision. 

A heater will only function properly if it is maintained and not overworked. If you turn it on for a long time each day without actually checking it, chances are that the machine may well break down. A damaged water heater will not only be a fire hazard; it can also ruin personal possessions stored in the home. The cost of repairs and replacement will likely top tens of thousands of dollars. 

When you discover that your water heater needs attention, it is important to take action quickly. It is not a good idea to wait for hours while waiting for professionals to arrive. If the problem cannot be resolved over the weekend, it is necessary to have it fixed as soon as possible. Water heaters that are not serviced regularly can lead to an increase in the cost of your electricity bill. In the worst-case scenario, an appliance malfunction can even short out your home's power source. 

Hiring a professional to fix the problem is often a better choice than fixing it yourself. Even if you do decide to try and make the fix yourself, the dangers are much greater than if you had left the water heater alone. You could be severely injured or even killed. Plumbers are trained to not only handle hot water but to also be fully aware of what they are doing. They will know how to turn off a water main and handle the situation better than any normal person handling this task.  By hiring someone who is licensed and insured, you can rest easy knowing that professional water damage restoration has been attempted and successfully completed.

The question should you replace your water heater with a plumber or DIY? While both methods are relatively safe, there are differences between them. A plumber will almost always be more equipped to deal with bigger pipe repairs. This may include repairs to sewer lines or even sink clog problems. In addition, it will be their job to properly install and maintain new, hot water heating systems. 

However, a certified and licensed plumber is also well equipped to handle the more delicate task of dealing with major water heater repair. They have experience installing new water heating units and know which parts to remove and replace. They also have extensive knowledge of plumbing codes and best practices. The plumber will also have the skills to locate the root cause of a leaking water heater. If a broken heater hose is the root cause of a leaking water supply, then the plumber can cut the root cause and repair the hose. He can also locate and fix the leaks in your water line ductwork. 

On the other hand, a certified and licensed plumber will know how to replace a water heater that has been damaged by ice accumulation inside the tank. This type of damage is usually easy to repair and can often be done on your own. It is important to not attempt to repair this type of damage yourself as doing so could result in further damage to your home. It is better to leave the job to the professionals. 

One more difference between the two can be the price. Certified and licensed professionals will

often quote you less than what it would cost to hire a professional plumber to come in and do the job. You may want to factor this into the decision-making process. There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not to have a water heater installation. The bottom line is this. Hire a professional if you want to save money and guarantee your safety.

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