Why Sound Sleep is Very Important?

quality sleep

Everyone sleeps about a third of his or her life. Our metabolism, our cells, and our immune system are strengthened while we sleep. We need enough sleep to have strength for everyday life. But not only has the body recovered. Our brain processes the impressions of the day during a sleep. This enables us to concentrate better, react, notice new things and create memories. A good night's sleep helps us rest the next morning and be able to participate in social life. For this to work, sufficient sleep duration and good sleep quality are very important.

What do sleep disorders mean?

How much sleep people need varies a lot. Some 5 hours are enough, others sleep over 9 hours a night. Most adult people feel rested after 7 to 8 hours of sleep. However, according to a study, almost a third of Germans suffer from sleep disorders (insomnia) at least three times a week. In the 70- to 79-year-olds there are even more. That means: For several weeks they have not been able to fall asleep for a long time, even though they are tired (difficulty falling asleep). Or they wake up several times a night and need more than 30 minutes to fall asleep again (a sleep disorder). This includes waking up too early in the morning, even though you still want to sleep.

Causes of sleep disorders

Sleep disorders can have many reasons. Some of them can be fixed with simple means, for example, if it is too loud, too bright or too uncomfortable. Other causes cannot always be solved immediately. This includes physical complaints and psychological stress such as pain, anger, worry or stress.


Sleep in old age and need of care

Most people's sleep habits change throughout their lives. Older people keep watching B. more often at night and earlier in the morning. Spread throughout the day, however, your sleep needs hardly decrease. You sleep at other times - for example, go to bed earlier or have a midday sleep. The changed sleep rhythm is not a sleep disorder in itself. Sleep disorder only occurs when physical or psychological complaints mean that you do not sleep long or deeply enough.

The risk of sleep disorders increases with increasing age, dementia and the need for care. Reasons for this include, for example, going to the toilet at night, signs of illness such as pain or restless legs and side effects of medication. But psychological problems, such as circular thoughts, can also lead to sleep disorders. These are exacerbated when people are physically inactive, feel lonely or challenged. If you are also bedridden and only spend both days and nights in bed, there is a risk that you will lose track of time. As a result, they rest a lot, but can no longer find restful sleep.

People with advanced dementia also no longer sleep as deeply. This can even lead to a so-called day-night reversal. The person with dementia is then awake at night and looking for employment. She may even leave the apartment. During the day she is tired, nods off and then cannot fall asleep again at night.


Sleep disorders in caregivers

Caring for relatives, worries, and stress can lead to sleep problems. They often have different tasks - in the family, at home, at work, and in care. Sometimes they also get up several times at night, for example, to help them turn around in bed or go to the toilet. Sometimes the person in need of care is active at night so that family members also stay awake. Then there may be the fear that the person in need of care could fall or get lost. Then, it is often difficult to fall asleep again.

Consequences of sleep disorders

Many people with sleep disorders feel exhausted, unable to concentrate or have a headache. You are nervous or irritable. If sleep disorders persist for several weeks or even months, the risk of diseases such as infections, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia or depression increases. Sleep disorders can not only lead to health problems but can also put a heavy burden on the care relationship.

Therefore, you should take sleep disorders seriously. You can find out how to promote healthy night sleep for people in need of care in the tips for restless nights. You can find out what you can do to get a good night's sleep in the tips for a good night's sleep.


If you regularly suffer from sleep disorders, you shouldn't take it lightly. In addition to sufficient exercise and sport, recurring rituals before going to bed, a light dinner, little alcohol, and enough exercise during the day help you find peace at night. If you want to improve sleep quality, you can take sleep suggestions from a certified sleep coach.


  • Dim the lights sometimes before bed. So you pretend sunset in your apartment and will get sleepy faster.
  • Darken your room as much as possible. Light disrupts your body's melatonin production - this messes up your metabolic processes.
  • Put on rituals like brushing your teeth, showering or reading before going to bed. Your body gets used to it and knows: Now it's time to go to rest.
  • Sleep in the cool. The temperature of your bedroom should be between 16 ° and 18 ° degrees.

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