7 Easy Weight Loss Tips For Busy Moms and Working Women

Every woman wants to get fit and healthy, but only a few of them will make it possible because the main reason that makes a hurdle in women’s life to get fit and healthy is their full-time 9-5 desk jobs where they sat at a desk for 40-45 hours a week in an office, that’s why they get fat.
Usually, working women rarely get time for themselves to do some workout for weight loss because of their busy schedule especially moms. In this article, we are going to share some easy weight loss tips for working women that make your dream of getting slim, fit, and healthy come true:
Tip 1: Make A Schedule of Your Day and Exercise
Weight loss for moms and working women starts from scheduling your day and making a timetable for the workout as well. Try to give 30 minutes to 1 hour for exercise in a day (depends on you whether you do it in the morning or evening) and if you are really a busy woman instead of a lazy one, then do a workout for a week on your weekends. So, it is very important to schedule your day to get time for exercise.
Tip 2: Become a Morning Walker
Mostly, all women including moms take their dinner late and immediately go to the bed for sleep because of tiredness from working all day, which results in weight gain, obesity, and bad fat or cholesterol. So, the morning walk is the best option for you which really helps you to get rid of those fats which stuck around your belly. I know it is not an easy task to wake up early and go for a morning walk but when you do regularly, then it became is easy for you.
Tip 3: Start Your Healthy Routine
One of the main keys for easy weight loss tips for busy moms and working women is to start your day with some healthy breakfast that helps to vanish a craving of your overeating and make your tummy full till the afternoon. You can take a bowl of oats with veggies or milk, cornflakes with milk and honey, a vegetable sandwich without any butter or cream, Eggs with toast or Eggs Omelette, etc. If you can’t get a time of all of this, then alternative of these are carry one or two fruits with you, which you can easily eat during your work.
Tip 4: Always Get Hydrated
Water plays a crucial role in our body and we know that our body contains 70 percent of water. Get hydrated yourself and drink a minimum of 3 liters of water a day because water will remove all the toxic substances from your body and you’ll be able to cut down your weight as well. Do not take water just before or after lunch or dinner because your body needs to digest your food and if you drink water just after your meal then the digestion process becomes slower and that food will be jammed around your stomach as fat.
You can also take a cup of green tea, lemon juice mixed with honey and lukewarm water, and black coffee. These also will help you to get slimmer and fits in slim clothes again which you avoid because of weight gain.
Tip 5: Healthy Lunch
A healthy lunch always plays an important role to our body and most women consume those mean which contains a lot of oil, bad fat, and high intake of carbohydrates which make our body fat which takes a long time for digestion or stored in our body as fat and led to the problem of heart diseases.
For a healthy lunch, always prefer those meals which are low in fat and high in protein, helps you to digest your meal faster and increase your mental energy. So, try to avoid those junk foods, rice, noodles, etc., and always try to take Wheat made or multigrain things instead of Maida or saturated fat ones.
Tip 6: Always Take Light Dinner
Try to take that kind of meal in your dinner which helps you to keep active or energize in till your bedtime. A good option to make your dinner healthy is to take Cottage Cheese (Paneer), Chapattis with lentils, Vegetables with curd. On the other side if you love to add rice then add it with vegetables and legumes and salad.
Tip 7: Bedtime Drink
Always try to consume low-fat milk with some dry fruits like almonds, or walnuts because a healthy fat cut down the bad fat and make you fit and slim. If you have some allergy to milk or don’t like it, then try to take a glass of lukewarm water before bedtime to detoxify all the toxins from your body and make yourself healthy.
Above all are the important and easy weight loss tips for working women. Always try to find a few minutes for exercise and make yourself filled with healthy meals.
Note: Always try to take heavy breakfast then a light lunch than breakfast and a lighter dinner than lunch.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Boost Your Red Light Therapy Weight Loss Results
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