6 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery That You Should Be Aware Of

6 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery That You Should Be Aware Of

Obesity is a common condition in the United States and all over the world. Bariatric surgery can be the most effective treatment for extreme obesity, as well as many other medical conditions such as heart disease and kidney disease. Many obese people have attempted to manage their condition on their own through diet and exercise. Many people have had some success, only to regain their weight. Diet and exercise alone are usually ineffective for many people.

A person's chances of achieving a normal body weight for an extended length of time are fewer than 1% if their BMI is more than 35. As a result, people with extreme obesity may benefit from surgery performed by top-rated weight loss surgeons. Here is a list of six benefits of bariatric surgery that you should be aware of.

1. It can help cope with depression
Obese people often experience depression as a result of their negative body image and public discrimination. Even younger individuals who are significantly overweight find it difficult to engage in activities they might normally like, resulting in social isolation and depression. 

These people's emotional health can be improved by losing this extra weight. People who underwent bariatric surgery showed a 32.7% drop in depression at the time of surgery and a 16.5% decrease six to twelve months afterward.

2. It improves cardiovascular health
Bariatric surgery lowers a person's risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral heart disease. Additionally, one research found that weight reduction after the operation can help reduce the risk of mortality related to stroke, hypertension, and myocardial infarction. After surgery, blood pressure and cholesterol levels can recover to normal or near-normal levels, lowering these risks and increasing general well-being.

3. It provides long-term weight loss
After bariatric surgery, over 90% of patients lose 50% of their excess body weight and maintain this weight loss long-term. Patients who begin to lose weight after bariatric surgery feel more energized, less in pain, and more eager to do activities they haven't done in years. 

Unfortunately, significant and quick weight loss following surgery might cause hormonal imbalances, resulting in weight loss. That's why maintaining a steady exercise plan after surgery can help with weight loss and weight stabilization.

4. It helps manage diabetes
Obesity is a significant factor for diabetes, with severely obese people having a tenfold greater likelihood of developing the condition. Weight loss surgery can make a substantial effect on people with type 2 diabetes.

Obese people develop insulin resistance, which controls blood sugar since type 2 diabetes is a long-term metabolic disorder in which the body generates insulin that it rejects owing to obesity. Maintaining a healthy weight may allow you to enter remission and no longer require meds or insulin.

5. It reduces the likelihood of skin breakdown
Certain skin areas are more susceptible to damage in obese people due to excessive moisture or friction. Meanwhile, the weight loss associated with weight loss surgery helps lessen skin folds and better aerate these delicate areas, making you less likely to develop skin-related diseases such as yeast infections, skin disintegration, and sores.

6. It lowers the mortality rate
Research has shown that obese people have greater illness and death rates than people with normal body weight. Similarly, multiple large population studies have discovered that people with extreme obesity who have had weight loss surgery had a decreased risk of death than those who have not.

Given the tremendous increase in the safety of bariatric surgery over the last ten years, for severely obese people, delaying treatment is more harmful in the long term than undergoing surgery.

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