Unique Benefits of Planting a Garden

Aloe Vera

Our garden along with our kitchen can make a difference in our lives. What we eat defines us. It's for that reason to consider the most important things that can improve the way we look and the way we feel. There are many vegetables and fruits out there with secret properties that will help us to feel better when consumed. We can make better choices knowing the benefits of these fruits and vegetables.

It feels so good to just go to the garden and pick what you need from there instead of running to the pharmacy. I try to have a lot of plants in my garden. Sometimes we have them and we don't even know the benefits that they have. They're hiding in our backyard in plain sight.

There are numerous varieties of plants with amazing benefits but I will only mention a few.

Tomatoes are packed and full of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants and are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid. The tomatoes are associated with the benefits of the cure for cancer combating the formation of free radicals, diabetes and heart diseases. Also, they have folic acids that help with depression. Whether you refer to a tomato as a fruit or a vegetable, a tomato is a nutrient food that most people should be eating.

Water spinach is another one that has essential nutrients like vitamins A and C as well as a high concentration of beta-carotene. Due to its healing and detoxifying properties, it helps in providing relief in case of skin itching or insect bites. Just add salt to water spinach and grind it into powder. Dab it on the sore spot and wrap it for immediate relief. Another property of this plant or should I say vegetable is that it acts as a sedative for people who have insomnia or sleeping difficulties. Water spinach also is effective in treating ulcers, menstrual pains, toothache, launched urination, nosebleed etc.

Aloe vera there so many benefits in aloe vera that this plant is a must have in our garden. It's excellent in skin conditions like burns, eczema, and is also a quick pain reliever. It has numerous nutrients, one of which is vitamin B12. Aloe Vera can also be used as a body cleanser (blend the crystal inside with the pineapple). I don’t want to forget to mention that it’s great for digestion. Vital to the growth process and healthy function of our body. The benefits are so many that I encourage you to keep it close. Even in a pot in your kitchen you can grow a beautiful Aloe Vera plant.

Watermelon seeds are good sources of magnesium with 100 grams of seeds providing 139 percent of the recommended daily requirement. Magnesium is vital for normal heart functioning, contain lycopene which is good for your face and also helps in improving male fertility. It is also effective in recovering health after illness and sharpening your memory. It can even be used as a tea for treating diabetes, boiling a handful of watermelon seeds in 1-liter water for 45 minutes while keeping the pot covered.

Ginger this is another terrific plant full of benefits for our good health, usually called the traveler medicine because it helps with most indigestion problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. It will also help with menstrual cramps, bloating and much more. Keep this one in your garden.

Sage one of the must have good for digestion, ulcers, sore throat, improving memory and one more thing; that I know keep most women at the edge. It is known to have properties to reduces menopausal sweats. Sage is also good for menstrual irregularity. So let say goodbye to those menstrual cramps and night sweats with a sage tea.

Therefore lets plant more beneficial plants in our garden. To find relief to so many daily health issues. Just give our mother earth the opportunity to work for you and used your garden to make it possible. l am a lover of nature, I think that all these plants can and will make a difference in our life. I strongly believe that using these natural remedies for common illnesses we can reduce the need for chemical remedies with dangerous side effects.


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