Top 10 and Important Off-Page-SEO Techniques for 2017


Here we will discuss on SEO and the top 10 major factors and off page techniques Search engine optimization for 2017. Search Engine Optimization is the technique to increase the website’s visibility and used to improve traffic to a website by obtaining a high-rank position in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. SEO has many techniques but the major techniques are divided into two part of SEO techniques to improve website position in SERP called ON-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

ON-Page SEO:

On- Page optimization is very important in SEO. It refers to all the things that we do on our website/blog or page such as title, description, content, image, keyword stuffing, internal linking, etc. Overall the on-page technique means structuring your website and blog to be search engine friendly and user-friendly also.

Off-Page SEO:

Off-page SEO will help make your website most popular and visible on the internet, so you can get more traffic and users for your website and product. With the on-page techniques, we can get visibility in search engines. But only off-page SEO techniques will help you to improve your website’s position in SERP. We are listing here the top 10 best off-page SEO techniques now in trend 2017.

Social Media Engagement

A major Off-Page SEO technique is social media user engagement. If you want to make your product, business, website or blog popular, be engaged with people on multiple social networking platforms. Social media presence will help grow your business and also help you get more traffic and backlinks.


Top 10 Off Page SEO Techniques


1. Social Networking Sites – The most comment and famous social sites like Facebook and Twitter are the best social media site. Create the profile and page with the name of your brand or website and promote your content in front of billion crowd

2. Social Bookmarking Sites – Social bookmarking is the platform where users bookmark their important URLs in a different category to use them again and again. You can also use social bookmarking sites to submit your URLs because you will get a powerful backlink.

3. Forum Submission Sites - Comment and answer on chat forums and get high-quality backlinks

4. Blog Directory Submission Sites – Blog directories are the best place to submit your website’s blog this is not only for the backlink, it will also help your site to cache fast and regularly

5. Article Submission Sites – Submit an article related to your niche on articles directories

6. Question and Answer Sites – also participate on question and answers forums and community to get the huge amount of traffic and you will also have got a high-quality backlink from there.

7. Video Submission Sites – Create a video for your product and blog content to engage YouTube audience.

8. Image Submission Sites – always create your original images for your article, because original image will help you in search ranking

9. Infographics Submission Sites – create good and informative infographics and submit with your website URLs on infographics submission sites

10. Document Sharing Websites – Create a high-quality content with PDF or PPT and submit on document submission sites to build you brand reputation and you will also get a huge traffic from there.



Always do a proper Optimization for your business or website. Because a proper On-page and Off-page SEO optimization work will give a better Ranking to your website in Search Engine Result Page (SERP). The above websites are listed based on the website’s PA (Page Authority), DA (Domain Authority) and PR (Page Rank). Please comment below if you know any other techniques that we can add to this list which we might have forgotten.

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