Tips For Renting a Car in Cyprus


Renting a car in Cyprus has become a great way to explore the entire island over your vacation. Because of the cheap rental car, you can visit all the main beaches of Cyprus, such as Limassol, Larnaca, Kusadasi, Beyrouth, and so forth. However, in addition to that, you can walk along the countryside, enjoy a cup of tea at the beach, or even go horseback riding. In this article, we will tell you all about how to save big on car rental in Cyprus.

One of the best ways of saving big on rental cars in Cyprus is to use a well-known car hire company. There are a few companies on the whole island that specialize in the car rental industry. They are well known and therefore can provide competitive prices as well as great customer service. For instance, if you book a four-day stay using a specific company you should expect to be staying at the same accommodation for that time frame, the only exception to this rule being Cyprus villas, which usually come with a one-week rental guarantee. The reason why rental companies are better than individual rental agencies is that they usually own and operate their vehicles, as well as employing staff to look after the vehicles.

Driving in Cyprus can be very rewarding for tourists. However, the rules for driving abroad (especially in a foreign country) are very different from that of driving domestically. You must have a valid driving license, a car that is insured, and a driver who is competent and safe. The first two are obvious, but what about the rest?

When booking your rental car in Cyprus, it is advisable to bring along some research material, such as the current road laws and traffic regulations in Cyprus. It is worth noting that several countries will ban the use of cell phones while driving and will ticket drivers who are caught talking on them. There are also several highly recommended vehicle safety tips, such as driving slowly, following other vehicles, and not speeding, which are strictly adhered to in Cyprus. Should you break any of the traffic regulations, it is worth taking photos and videos of the event to use as evidence.

Another tip for Cyprus tourists is to make sure that their hired drivers are experienced, qualified drivers. The best method for doing this is to ask around among friends and relatives. Most will recommend a reliable driving school that can teach safe, legal driving for tourists. Not only will this ensure a safer ride for your journey, but it will lower the possibility of having an accident and will save you from spending any large amount of money on a lawyer or any other insurance.

Apart from hiring a safe car for your Cyprus journey, it is advisable to take other safety measures as well. This can include taking up adequate road safety courses. As well as learning how to drive defensively, Cyprus drivers must also learn how to avoid possible road accidents by watching out for certain things, such as uneven roads and blind curves. As well as these, tourists should never drink and drive as it is illegal without a valid license in Cyprus.

In the majority of cases, the driver will be required to have no previous driving convictions at all, although it is not always the case. All rental companies in Cyprus will usually perform a credit check on their clients before offering them a rental contract. In practice, this means that anyone with a driving past can easily get a rental contract, however, tourists may face stricter requirements than the norm. Tourists who are staying with non-Cypriot drivers will have to pay a fixed daily fee which includes fuel and road tax, but they will not usually be expected to demonstrate ownership of the vehicle.

Renting a car is an essential transportation tool for most people around the country of Cyprus. Car rental is available throughout the year, however, peak season usually begins in May when tourist traffic increases significantly due to the Easter holiday and the summer festivals. The best times to hire a rental car in Cyprus are from March to October when the demand for cars drops dramatically and the cost of car rentals goes down. Mid-summer is another good time to rent a car, as many people exchange their old cars for a newer model and obtain cheaper car rental rates. Finally, the cheapest times to rent a car in Cyprus are during the weekdays, as it is during the week that most people are working outside of the city and Cyprus car hire companies are less likely to be booked up.

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