How to Protect Your Teenager’s Teeth

How to Protect Your Teenager’s Teeth

Being a parent of a teenager is a brand new struggle that enters your life to stay for a long time. Besides constant arguing, emotional outbursts, and other problems you may have with your child, there is one more important thing that shouldn't be missed. It's the oral health of your adolescent child.

When our children are small, we control them to brush their teeth twice daily for two minutes. But it's not always advisable to try and control a teenager - you may receive a burst of aggression. Respect, convincing with facts, and treating a teenager as an equal are much more helpful than the imperative tone of voice and dominating attitude. 

What Your Adolescent Child Should Understand About Oral Health
Here are the things about the importance of maintaining proper oral health that your teenager should know and follow. No one knows your child better than you do, and no one can find a better approach than a loving and respectful parent. Remember to be polite and don't push if you don't want a riot, that is. Talk to your child like you talk to an adult.

Brushing teeth is boring, and there are more exciting things to do, but it's crucial for oral health. Most dental problems are induced by poor oral hygiene. Appearance is significant for teenagers and should be your psychological weapon in that conversation. You should also convince your child to visit a dental clinic regularly and explain why it is necessary even when nothing hurts.

If your child is involved in active contact sports, there is always a risk of injury. Provide your young athlete with a protective mouth guard to ensure teeth won't be damaged. Convince your child to wear it, too. It may not look very aesthetic, but certainly better than a chipped tooth.

Usually, teenagers don't really like healthy food. But sweets, junk food, and gallons of soda drinks are deadly for teeth and will cause problems after a while. Show your teenager that healthy food can be tasty too - the Internet is full of recipes to cook even the blandest foods. 

Piercings are in trend again. If your child wants one, you should be aware that the habit of playing with oral piercing is harmful to dental enamel. But don't forbid - mention this and choose a lovely decoration with plastic parts that won't harm teeth as much. By the way, if you allow it, your child can lose interest fast and throw it away soon.

It's the most painful question to discuss with your teenager, but it's among the most important. Low self-esteem often causes anorexia, bulimia, or BED, which affects teeth health. Teach your child to love and respect him- or herself and never mock them in any way. Also, don't judge other people's appearance in front of your child - teenagers will associate it with their bodies.

Oral health is essential for a teenager, but the emotional state is more important. You can't have the first without the second. This is why a good relationship in a family is crucial for the health of each of its members. 

The bottom line
Protecting your teenager's teeth requires a balance of proper oral hygiene, regular dental visits, protection during sports, healthy food choices, and self-esteem. As a parent, it's essential to approach the topic with respect and understanding and to be mindful of your teenager's emotional state. 

By fostering a healthy relationship with your child and providing them with the necessary information and resources, you can help ensure that their teeth stay healthy and strong as they navigate the challenges of adolescence.

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