Foods That Ward Off Mosquitoes - Be Prepared for the Summer Parties

citrus fruits

Springs is upon us and insects start waking up and going out and about. Not long afterward, the most annoying bug will start tormenting neighbourhoods, parks, forests, and urban areas. Mosquitoes are everywhere and some people need a full protective suit to keep themselves safe from the biting bugs. 

It is no secret that mosquitoes prefer some people over others. One common reason for this is the blood type. Mosquitoes are drawn to some types of blood more than others. If you have a friend with blood type 0 - bring them everywhere with you and you shall be safe. 

But just as there are things that attract mosquitoes, there are other things that keep them away.

#1 The Most Well-known Food to Deter Mosquitoes

Yes, garlic it is! This popular Italian food ingredient is a species in the onion genus, Allium. It also releases a compound known as allicin, which is released through your pores when you consume it. Allicin interferes with your natural scent, therefore helping to mask you from those persistent pests. 

Other members of this plant family also can be used against mosquitoes. Onions, leeks, shallots, chives they all emit allicin as well. For maximum efficiency, we recommend to cut these foods into slivers and consume them raw.

If you are not in the mood to consume garlic and onions uncooked, check online how to use them as a great addition to your favorite kinds of pasta and tomato-based dishes.

#2 Cymbopogon

The Cymbopogon also known as Lemongrass contains an oil known as citronella. The citronella is the key to a mosquito-free world because it is a popular natural bug repellent. It is generally applied directly to the skin. Eating lemongrass will also provide similar protection. 

The fragrant citronella helps you to conceal your natural odors, which makes it harder for mosquitoes to identify you. The bug repellent from the grass family is frequently used in Thai cuisine, however, it also makes a great addition to soups and curries. 

TIP! Why don’t you grill some lemongrass wings in your backyard in order to protect from mosquitos?

#3 Grapefruit

Besides an excellent source of vitamin C, the grapefruit has also proved to be an effective mosquito repellent. 

It has been suggested that it may repel other insects such as bed bugs and head lice as well. This is because of a compound contained in grapefruit called, nootkatone, which is used as both an insecticide and natural pesticide. 

Citrus fruits can make a great addition to your daily meal routine. Try eating half a grapefruit for breakfast before you start your day, or combine it with other citrus fruits to create a fresh fruit salad.

#4 Apple cider vinegar 

Because of its sourness, mosquitoes don't enjoy it. If you wish to try and keep mosquitoes away from you by using apple cider vinegar, you should ingest at one table spoon of undiluted vinegar once a day, so it can have an effect on mosquitoes.

#5 Spicy food 

Chili peppers are a great spicy food to eat and keep those pesky bugs away. Cooked, raw, or in salads, they can be ingested in any form. Just make sure you eat some of them every day.

What food to avoid?

If you don’t want to attract mosquitos in their period, try to avoid the following foods and drinks:

Beer - nobody knows why, but seems like mosquitoes enjoy beer as well; Actually, they are more likely to bite you if you have any kind of alcohol in your system, not just beer. Be careful with the summer parties.
Salty Foods - produces lactic acid, which attracts mosquitoes;
Sweet / Sugary Foods - high sugar content makes our skin sweeter and more attractive to mosquitoes.

There are more than enough products in stores that repel mosquitoes, sprays, DEET repelling bracelets, ultrasonic repellents, and many more. But if you can keep mosquitoes away simply by eating a type of food, why not do that instead? If you live in an area that is densely populated by mosquitoes, most professional exterminators would advise you on trying all of the above-mentioned methods, to keep yourself safe from the blood-sucking bugs. 

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