7 Questions to Ask your Best Friend

Of course, there is hardly anyone you know better than your best friend. But as long as a person accompanies us on our life path, we can still learn something new about this person.
Have you ever asked her these questions about yourself? Or is there one or the other question that you don't yet know the answer to and that is therefore perfect for the next girls' evening in intimate togetherness?
So, there are lots of interesting questions to ask your best friend or loved one. Let’s learn more details about the important questions.
7 Thoughtful questions to ask your best friend
What is your biggest fear?
Do you know that your girlfriend is afraid of spiders or is very scared when she has to go to an exam? Our fears are some of the most familiar things we have. Perhaps there is a fear in her that you do not yet know because you have never talked about it and she has never faced this fear in your presence.
What was the best decision of your life?
Whenever there is something exclusive, a first place to be awarded, it is difficult to find an answer. But let your girlfriend think twice. Because life is full of choices. Which of them has improved their lives the most, brought them the furthest in their goals, made them the happiest? And was it a clear decision or was it a long back and forth? So, don’t miss one of the best questions to ask your girlfriend regarding the life decision.
What are the best memories from your childhood?
You have probably heard many stories from your friend's childhood or you have even experienced them together. But let your girlfriend think twice - childhood was long and sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to get to buried memories. Perhaps your friend also kept a diary that she could look through in search of nice experiences. Good memories of childhood are good for the soul and so your friend will benefit most from them if she seriously deals with answers to your question.
What are the worst memories from your childhood?
Maybe there was a key traumatic experience in your friend's childhood that shapes her to this day, but which she doesn't like to talk about. It can be good to share the memories, and you may be able to understand why your BFF (best friends forever) is what it is in some ways.
When and why was the last time you cried?
Maybe you were there live or on the phone the last time your girlfriend cried? If not, it is certainly good to know what has made your girlfriend sad, angry, or moved to tears in the recent past.
What are you grateful for in your life?
A lovely question that will get us all down to earth if we think about it. Because then maybe we will notice that there is a lot we can be thankful for - even if life does not always go the way we would like it to.
Are you satisfied with your life?
You may have also noticed that we humans in the western world have so much materially and live so safely that people in other parts of the world do not even hope to dream of it. But still, we are often dissatisfied and even psychologically stressed. Material things only ensure happiness and satisfaction to a certain extent. How satisfied is your BFF with her professional, relationship, leisure, or family life? How does it feel for you to be part of our society?
Having a friend can be a great, fun, and exciting thing, but only if you're ready. To determine if you need a friend, you should first consider all of these things.
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