6 Simple Tips on How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

6 Simple Tips on How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Do you brush your teeth twice a day? Do you floss and rinse with mouthwash regularly? If you answered yes to these questions, then you are probably doing everything right when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. But, if you answered no, then you need to ensure that your teeth are in good condition. Unfortunately, not everyone tends to prioritize their oral hygiene enough which can lead to cavities and other dental problems later on down the road. If you are ready to take care of your teeth and gums and protect them from future breakage and decay, then this article is perfect for you.

Continue reading to discover the six simple tips on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

1. Brush twice a day
Daily brushing is essential for a healthy mouth and it's one of the most important aspects of dental care. It removes debris and plaque that can cause decay. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Also, when you clean your teeth, you should be careful not to miss any spots under the tongue and at the back of your throat, which are also places where plaque can accumulate. The ADA also suggests that you should brush your teeth for at least two minutes. You should also brush your teeth with a toothbrush with soft bristles. A toothbrush that feels rough may scrape your teeth and gums too harshly and may even lead to tooth damage.

2. Floss every day
Daily flossing is another important aspect of oral hygiene. Your floss should be very thin, around 0.02-0.05 mm in diameter. It should be long enough to easily reach between the teeth and between the gums. For best results, you should get into the habit of flossing once every day preferably before going to bed. You should also make sure that you do not have anything in your mouth while flossing.

3. Visit the dentist regularly
You should visit your dental clinic

regularly for routine checkups of your teeth and gums ideally at least once every six months. During the appointment, the specialist ensures that your teeth are free of harmful buildup, cavities, gum diseases, and plaque. If needed, your dentist will treat your tooth decay, repair your teeth, or extract some of them if they are damaged or diseased. Your dentist can also advise you on how often to brush your teeth and what type of toothpaste to use.

4. Visit the dental hygienist regularly 
As a follow-up to regular visits to the dentist, you can also make it a point to visit a dental hygienist once every six months. The hygienist will clean your teeth and make sure that they stay as healthy as possible. Dental hygienists will also provide you with oral health tips, tell you how often you should brush your teeth, suggest a good toothpaste, and advise you on how to take care of your gums. You can even get your gums treated.

5. Use a toothbrush with good bristles
Make sure that your toothbrush has good bristles that are soft and will not cause any damage to your gums and teeth. Toothbrushes usually come in a variety of bristles such as soft, medium, and hard. If possible, you should get a toothbrush with soft bristles since these will not scrape your teeth too harshly and will be gentle on the gums. Also, make sure your toothpaste does not contain abrasive particles in the formula.

6. Drink enough water
Water is essential for keeping your mouth healthy. It not only helps you to prevent cavities, but it also makes your teeth stronger and healthier. If possible, you should drink 1-2 liters of water every day. If you tend to drink a lot of coffee, tea, or other beverages, make sure that you are drinking enough water. If you tend to drink a lot of coffee, tea, or other beverages, make sure that you are drinking enough water, otherwise r, your teeth will become weak, worn down, and prone to cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems.

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