5 Indoor Activities to Help You to Chill and Bond With Friends

With the current state of COVID continuing to spread around the world, people have become more secluded due to various restrictions posed by their governments. Now, more than ever, we need to be proactive in taking care of our friendships and relationships, and not allowing them to dissipate while waiting for things to go back to normal again. So, in the spirit of bonding, I have several tried and tested suggestions that do wonders when it comes to relaxing with your friends and family. Here are some of them:
Cooking together
If you have a kitchen big enough to fit several people, cooking a meal together can be a truly bonding experience. Nothing says strong friendship as is having arguments about the size of chopped vegetables or the spiciness of a dish and still cooking a great meal and bond over a well-cooked meal. Pizza would be a good beginner-friendly dish that is easily customizable and fast to make. Moreover, you can utilize most of the leftover ingredients in your fridge, so it doesn’t need to break your bank account.
Bonding over hookah
Smoking in groups is known to bond people since forever - they’ve done it in India and they’ve done it in Native America, and in many more places around the world. Smoking hookah can be a really chill activity as it encourages conversation, sharing, listening, and overall bonding with your friends. And you don’t need to smoke nicotine-containing shisha, as there are many nicotine-free products on the market. Check the best hookahs to buy in 2021 if you want to invest in a device and have your friends come over for smoking sessions.
Boardgame nights
A classic choice, an evening of board games of various genres is a great way to connect with friends and family, have some laughs and enjoy competing in a non-stressful manner. Activity is a great example of such a game as it involves collaboration but also has a competing element in it. Moreover, drawing and conveying things with just your body and no vocal explanation is a creative way to spice things up, have a bit of movement and exercise your drawing abilities.
At home paint and wine evening
When talking about drawing, nothing can compare with a paint and wine evening. All you need is a few brushes and a set of gouache (or acrylic) paint in tubes. Squeeze a small amount from each tube to each person, choose a favourite art piece (hint: flower paintings and still life are noob-friendly), and enjoy your company with a glass of wine each. If you did good, you can even decorate your homes with the created art or donate it to local kindergartens, hospitals and other establishments.
Set up a DIY workshop for personalised gifts
What can be a more bonding experience than creating a personalised gift for a friend? Get together with your favourite bunch of people to make them for each other. Not only is it fun to create stuff with your hands but when you are doing them with a thought for somebody else, then you pour all your heart into that creation. It is a fun collective experience and a nice way to spend your Saturday indoors. Children and adults of all ages are welcome as it is a great activity that is fun for all.
And that's about all I have for now. Those are really the best tried and true bonding experiences that I have with my friends on the regular. It's nice to gather once in a while and do something different with our time as it encourages creativity and positive emotions in the group. What are your favourite indoor activities that you like to do with friends?
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