3 Routines : Skin Care Along With Your Hectic Work Schedule

A skincare routine that brings about healthy skin, just like exercise, is a daily requirement which not even your busy work schedule can excuse you from performing daily. If there is a Tabata exercise that can slim you down and give you a 30-minutes worth of cardio exercise in just under five minutes,there is also a skincare routine that can give you healthy, beautiful skin, even if you’re doing it with one eye shut, in just under 5 minutes.
Don’t let your hectic work schedule hinder you from giving your skin the only care it deserves. Whether you are 20 or 40 or older, here is how your daily skincare routine should look like:
1.Daytime skincare routine Your daytime skincare routine must prioritize moisturization simultaneously with protection. Since your skin is exposed to UV, whether directly or indirectly, during your active hours, you should make sure to shield your skin from further sun-induced damage as well as from cell damaging free radicals. When you have Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Niacinamide,you may do without a skin brightening cream.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Cleanse and tone. Wash your face, neck and chest with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water. Follow through with an alcohol-free toned.
Step 2: Apply your ampoule, essence and serum. Make sure it contains high levels of antioxidants, other vitamins and minerals or peptides. Your daytime cream must exclude retinols which breakdown easily when exposed to sunlight.
Step 3: Moisturize some more. If you have dry skin, most especially, you should layer your thicker moisturizer. However, if you have oily skin, you may skip this step.
Step 4: Put on your eye cream. For 20-something skin, this step is not necessary but, for skin that’s 30 and beyond, this should be integrated in your routine.
Step 5: Cover Up. Use a BB cream that’s sheer, lightweight and grease-free. This product is multi-functional, in that, it acts as a moisturizer, sunscreen and a better alternative to thick and creamy foundations. If your cover up can’t seem to mask your dark spots get a Cosmelan treatment.
2. Nighttime skincare routine Your nighttime regimen must focus on skin repair and regeneration.
Follow this five-step process:
Step 1: Cleanse and tone.
Step 2: Apply your prescription only retinoids. This step is only for those 40 years old and older.
Step 3: Apply your ampoule, essence and serum. This may contain retinols. If you have older skin, it wouldn’t hurt to have all three for your evening routine. Ampoules have the highest concentrations, mostly of just one ingredient like Vitamin C. Essences will have the second highest concentration, usually of a mix of ingredients just as a serum would but will less amounts.
Step 4: Put on your eye serum and cream. For skin 40 years and older, this step is a requirement.
Step 5: Top with moisturizer or antiaging cream. Sign up the alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, lactic acid and citric acid, to work up a more supple skin for you.
Step 6: Add in a skin brightening cream. Do this step only if hyper pigmented skin is your issue.
3.Nondaily skincare. There are certain steps in your skincare routine that you don’t have to do everyday. Nevertheless, doing such steps periodically can help amp up your daily skincare regimen for a skin that’s healthy and within your reach.
Follow these tips to achieve healthy, glowing skin:
Tip No. 1: Exfoliate up to twice weekly. Exfoliating is not recommended daily or else, it will leave your skin dry and damaged. Use more concentrated forms of AHAs meant for at-home skin treatment and not as chemical peels. You may also use an exfoliating facial brush with very soft bristles.
Tip No. 2: Put on a mask. For just 15 to 20 minutes, you can give your skin a deeply nourishing treat with a mask. Always rinse with lukewarmwater only. Do this at least once every week.
Tip No. 3: Pay your dermatologist or local spa a visit. Ask for a Cosmelan treatment, an in-office mask procedure that brightens your overall complexion. If you have older skin, you may also want to periodically go in for a skin rejuvenation session.
Healthy skin can also only be achieved by giving your lifestyle choices a punch — sleep well, eat right and exercise — it’s the only way you can enjoy beautiful skin despite your busy schedule.
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