Preparing for A New Arrival

Welcoming a new baby into the world is one of the most joyous times in your life and, like every other new mother and father out there, you want to be ready when the time comes, and that means a bit of forward planning.
So, here is our guide to preparing for your new arrival before they get here.
Familiarise Yourself with Parental Leave Conditions
If you’re a working mum or dad and you plan on taking parental leave after your baby is born, then it is a good idea to get everything for your maternity leave sorted at least a few months in advance of taking that leave and your baby being born.
There are certain statutory rights you have to maternity pay and leave, however, many companies will offer their own maternity and paternity leave options on top of that, so it’s important that you know what your rights are before you go so you can make arrangements.
Pack A Hospital Bag
Packing your hospital go-bag is an essential thing to have done before you go into labour as once you do you won’t be focusing on what clothes you need or your toiletry bag to freshen up in the days afterwards.
Labour can last, on average, around eight hours. So, you’re going to need certain items to take into the hospital with you, especially if might be kept in overnight or a few days. Be sure to check, re-check and check again that you have the essentials, such as a change of pyjamas, a change of clothes for coming home, some books and, of course, clothes for your new bundle of joy.
You never know how long you will be in labour, or if you may be kept in the hospital anywhere from overnight to a few days, so it is better to be prepared.
Make Sure You Have the Right Cover
Speaking of hospitals, it would be wise to take advantage of a healthcare plan that offers enhanced family care as your baby’s health is the most important thing and having private cover will guarantee that your baby is going to get the best possible care after their birth.
Private health insurance plans that cover children and babies are perfect for first-time parents or even long-time parents who need a helping hand in the early days, with things like cover for newborns, fully trained midwives and cover for unique concerns, such as prominent birthmarks.
Spend Time with Other Kids and Help Them Adjust
This may not apply to everyone, but, if you do have any other children, it is important that you try and make time to spend time with them before the birth of your new baby as sometimes older kids can feel left out once a new arrival comes along.
It is important that you take the time to spend with your other kids, so they won’t start to feel less important or left out. This will also really help when it comes time to help the siblings bond.
Take Some Time for You
Becoming a parent is a momentous occasion in anyone’s life, but it is also a daunting one for most people. So, it is important that before your baby is born, you take some time to prepare yourself emotionally for becoming a parent.
This could involve taking the time to rest before the baby comes, start cutting back on what you’re doing and taking care of yourself. The less stress that you experience while pregnant, the better, as stress isn’t good for you or your baby. Take this time just to relax and prepare for the arrival of your new bundle of joy.
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