Master Mailchimp: How to Maximize Your Email Marketing Strategy

Over 47% of consumers say they prefer to hear from their favorite brands through email.
The right email marketing strategy can be a great way to grow your business and interact with your customers. However, it can take a lot to make sure your emails don't end up in the spam folder.
Here are five tips to help you maximize your email marketing plan and get the most out of your messages.
1. Consolidate Contacts
MailChimp allows you to store up to 2,000 contacts on a single list if you have a free account. Theoretically, you can craft a campaign in Mailchimp without spending a penny.
With that said, paid accounts can add an unlimited number of contacts, so consider your business' needs.
It's also crucial that you account for your collection process. If you're allowing sign-ups through a variety of platforms, it can be hard to keep your contacts together.
Instead of syncing contacts manually, look into platforms that allow auto syncing. A Pipedrive Mailchimp sync, for instance, can save you a ton of time.
2. Separate Your Subscribers into Lists
MailChimp allows users to divide their contacts into lists. This is a simple and easy way to keep track of things like where you collected certain contacts or audience demographics.
Don't be afraid to cross-pollinate your lists into groups. Group your audience by age, response level, and more to make choosing recipients easier.
Mailchimp's segmentation tools are fantastic, so spend some time playing around with them and find what works best for your campaign.
3. Craft Interesting Subject Lines
Most people receive a few dozen emails per day. As a result, it can be hard to get your audience to pay attention to your email.
So how do you grab their attention? By writing eye-popping subject lines, of course. Make your subject lines fun and, above all else, interesting.
Which email would you rather open: 'Sale starts today' or 'CAN'T MISS! 24-hour sale begins right now!'?
The latter doesn't only look more interesting, but it instills a sense of urgency.
4. Offer Value
Generally, it's best not to email your audience unless you have something new and interesting to say.
And that makes sense. Think about the types of emails you open on a given day. Chances are, you're only opening those that are pertinent to your interests and offer you, the reader, something in return for your time.
Your audience will react in a similar fashion. Make sure that each email you send has a distinct purpose and value.
Note that information counts as value. Sending an email about your hours changing, location openings or sales are all perfectly valid reasons to contact your lists.
5. Rely on Data
Every email marketing campaign needs a clear set of goals. Without a goal, the data you collect is virtually useless.
Once you've set your goal, consider which contacts from which list will receive your email.
Now it's a waiting game. You should have data fairly soon after you launch your campaign. This data is integral to your campaign's success, so pay close attention to it.
Look for:
- Your open rate
- Response time
- Response rate
- Unsubscribe trends
On that note, expect a few contacts to unsubscribe from your email list every now and again. It's common and isn't necessarily indicative of any wrongdoing on your part.
However, if you notice large numbers of users unsubscribing, it may be time to send out a survey.
Maximize Your Email Marketing Strategy
A well-planned email marketing strategy can drive traffic to your business, facilitate engagements, and encourage customer loyalty.
Remember these helpful hints as you continue to grow your business.
Looking for even more strategies to help you dominate your customers' inboxes? You can read even more tips right here!
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