7 Things to Keep in Mind When Planning Your Holiday Email Campaigns

Email Marketing Campaigns

The holiday season is a profitable period for every marketer. In fact, a quarter of e-commerce revenue is generated during the holiday season. Therefore, if you wish to make the most out of this holiday season, it is high time you plan your holiday email campaign the right way. With 82% of marketers considering email as the most effective channel for driving conversions, leveraging it for accelerating your holiday revenue is the only strategy you need. Further, with 82% of shoppers looking forward to purchasing holiday gifts online, choosing the right email strategy can definitely give you an edge over your competitors while enhancing your ROI like never before. Here's how you can increase sales and maximize your revenue through an impeccable holiday email campaign. Take a look.

1.  Go for Mobile Optimization

Do you know the mobile internet users are predicted to reach a whopping 80.7% of the total population by 2022? Moreover, according to ChannelSight, the revenue from SmartPhone users for Black Friday and Cyber Monday alone in 2018 was $2.1 billion. The statistics make it quite clear - if you want your profits to soar high, optimizing your holiday campaign for mobile is the need of the hour. Here's how you can do it. 

Keep it Visually Appealing

Include high resolution, compressed images and logo that can load quickly while using less data.

Relevancy is the Key

If you want your subscribers to convert, give them a reason to do so by sending them relevant sales and promotion emails. 

Keep it Concise and Precise

Make sure you keep your holiday email as precise as possible. Customers don't want to scroll endlessly and read the bulk of paragraphs on their mobile devices.

2. Optimize Your Automated Emails

To ensure that your email campaigns are being effective, you need to optimize these key holiday emails. 

Welcome Emails

Welcome emails have an open rate of 34%. In addition, it even witnesses 3X the transactions and revenues per email. With such high open rates, it is clear that welcome emails work as a critical marketing tool. From establishing a personal connection with customers to influencing their customer lifetime value, a welcome email does it all. Further, it is also a great way to retain old customers and attract new ones by offering loyalty program, product updates, coupons and recommendations. Here's how you can optimize it for your holiday campaigns.

Send it the moment they make their first purchase with you to induce them with a feeling that you genuinely care.

Include a high-resolution logo of your brand at the top of your email to let your customers know who is contacting them.

Engage them with product recommendation emails, incentives, offers, coupons and bonus during the holiday season. From estimated shipping to real-time shopping updates, a welcome email can include it all and allure customers to stick to you. See how SkullCandy effectively uses its welcome email.

 Promotional Emails

It is always a great idea to give your holiday customers an insight into what promotions and offers you are running during the whole holiday season. From shipping information and gift card services to gift wrapping options and customer service contact details, let your subscriber know of every offer that you have. Let's see how WhistleFish uses a mystery coupon for Halloween to attract its customers. 

Abandoned Cart Emails

An abandoned cart is something no business would ever want. When a customer abandons a cart, it means either something was missing or was wrong from the customer's shopping experience. Moreover, with a huge 70% of customers abandoning their cart rather than completing a purchase, it becomes imperative to look for the reasons for abandonment and take creative measures. These are a few of the reasons people abandon carts. Take a look.

Shipping costs

It can be one of the major reasons for cart abandonment. So, if it's feasible for you to offer free shipping, you must do it.

Great Deals from Competitors

If your customers find a better deal elsewhere, they surely will abandon your cart. Therefore, try tempting them with low price, good offers and emotional cues.

Out of Stock

If a customer wants a certain product and it isn't available, there is no reason for them to stick around. So, how will you leverage once it’s back again? Send personalized emails to customers once the item is back in stock.

All in all, make sure you have an automated and compelling abandoned cart email flow to bring your subscribers on board while generating great revenues. 

3. Starting Early is the Key

20% of marketers plan their holiday email campaign 3 months in advance. So, you better be one of them to leverage the most out of the peak season. You can do so by sending holiday teaser emails to your subscribers and giving them a preview of the new products and special offers that you are going to give them during the holiday season. This would help you make the most out of the customer's excitement and anticipation while driving ample conversions and ROI. 

4. Go for Segmentation and Personalization 

Segmenting and personalizing your holiday email design campaign is another sure-fire way of generating revenue. You can do this by making use of predictive analytics. By taking into account a customer's past purchase history, recently browsed products etc., predictive analytics gives personalized and smart recommendations to the customers.  In addition, you can even use it for segmenting your subscriber list on the basis of criteria like demography, gender, income, and job profile and enhance the overall relevancy of your holiday email campaign.

5. Make Way for Countdown Timers

Countdown timers can come in handy and help you make huge profits by averaging the customer's tendency of FOMO, that is, fear of missing out. Therefore, start sending a series of countdown emails the moment the holiday season begins. These emails can include offers like free shipping to a particular date or an offer that expires soon. 

Here’s an example by Macy’s. 

6. Include Interactive Elements

A great way of grabbing the customer's attention is by sending them interactive emails in your html email template which include elements like GIFs, CSS, animations, videos, and kinetic images. It would certainly attract your subscribers to take a look at your holiday email, thereby accelerating conversions and sales. Take a look at the interactive Halloween email by TOMS.

7. A/B Testing Your Holiday Email Campaign

Last but not least, it is critical to A/B test your campaign to know what works best for you. From the right sending time to the content that resonates most with the subscribers, A/B testing will help you give the best shopping experience to your customers. Further, you can even analyze your previous year's holiday campaign and take a close look at your strong and weak points. You can include strong points and rectify the weak ones to enhance your current holiday email performance.

Final Thoughts

That's everything you need to know about creating a perfect holiday email campaign. With the power of making an impeccable holiday campaign, you will surely get the result you were seeking for. So, go ahead and implement such holiday email marketing campaigns that not only stand out in your subscriber's inboxes but also get you the desired click and the sale.

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