Hotel in Florence: 3 Tips to Choose the Most Exciting One!

Hotel Florence

Are you planning a trip to Italy? Did you buy your guide, or art books or even studied the beauties and arts that are waiting for you travelling around the “Bel Paese”. We know, we know, the trip began way before you step into your plane with your camera tied on your neck and two pairs of sunglasses, just in case. And the trip starts exactly when you decide to buy a ticket and to book an hotel. So, what is your destination? Are you an “artistic sensitive guy” that want to loose himself in Saint Peter ‘colonnato’ or to faint in front the “Pieta di Michelangelo”? Or maybe you’re the one that loves food so madly that will start each day with a huge Italian style breakfast, having 4 or 5 meals per day, with the help of a good wine of course, tasting pizza and pasta as much as you resists?

If you’re both of them your destination has to be Florence. Let me give you some few tips for your trip in Tuscany. You’ll see you wouldn’t regret it. First of all, never order bread. Who knows why their traditional bread totally lacks of salt … ok, just kidding but this is a quite interesting story if you got time to listen to it. Once upon a time, back in the Middle Ages the two cities of Florence and Pisa were fierce rivals. According to a legend, Pisa tried to force Florence to surrend blocking its salt refurnishment that usually arrived at the harbour. Therefore Tuscan bread is so famously referred ad unsalted one. Another legend tells that due to the poverty that was effecting Florence population in the Middle Ages, salt was a luxury good that people couldn't efford to have. That's why the Florentines decide to avoid it in bread baking.

I’m not sure there is the perfect formula to find the best accommodation in Tuscany, it depends on your habits and on how you conceive a vacation. But, here’s some advice (seriously) on how to book the right hotel in Florence.


1) City center is better than far away

Yes, everything, from Gli Uffizi to Santa Maria in Fiore, and all the point of interests are located in the historical city center, so you should as well. Of course you will spend more money but it will be worth enough. Mainly because you won’t waste time in transportation, but also because you will be surrounded by beautiness all the day and you could eventually assist and live the night movida of the main city in Tuscany. Ok, mind it, if you don’t like the noisy night life the city center might not be the most appropriate location for you to sleep. Despite this, there are several hotels that are in the hearth of Florence but meanwhile are really quiet and comfy as well.

2) Book in advance your accommodation

This is to bear in mind. If you are a last minute traveller you could eventually have such a bad surprise finding out that all possible accommodation are reserved. From April to October Florence live a tourist ‘siege’ from all over the world. Booking an hotel in the city center at least one month in advance is a wiser choice than sleeping under a bridge!

3) Hotel in Florence: choose a historical site to sleep in

Yes, this doesn’t sound as an advice, but more as a matter of fact. If you want to live Florence and catch its real essence you should opt for an historical hotel. You won’t regret it, trust me! I’m sure you want your trip to be memorable from the visits to the locations, and of course to the food!

Now you have just to choose among the best historical city center accommodation and book your Hotel in Florence!


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