
Articles from this author
When you’re just starting out as a horse rider, it’s easy to find it less than comfortable, to begin with. You may have found that you experience nerves and anxiety before you ride and are concerned for your safety when out on a hack. Furthermore, you might find your body feels sore or stiff in the days following your rides. This is to be expected and not at all unusual!
The kitchen is often the heart of many homes and along with the bathroom, it can be the most costly part of your home to update. If your kitchen is looking a bit tired, dated and in need of a makeover, you may be thinking you can’t afford the time, expense and effort it takes to remodel.
When setting about planning your next business conference, you may be working on a budget or perhaps you are creating the budget based on your needs. Either way, it is important to ensure you are spending your budget in the right areas to not only keep to budget but allocate the correct amount of spend in the areas which will provide the most ROI for you.
Over the years, there has been steady progress in the balance of individuals holding positions at board level in companies, with companies significantly improving the number of women over the last decade, for example increasing promotion of women to part-time non-executive director roles.
With over 200 billion mobile apps being downloaded every day across the globe, it makes sense to be where your customers are and developing an app for your company has great potential to significantly boost business…when its done right!
When damage to your property occurs, not only can it be quite costly, it can also be extremely inconvenient!