DevOps Philosophy and Business

DevOps Philosophy and Business

These days, it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of such an activity as a startup. Despite the fact that everyone has heard this term, not everyone can clearly explain its meaning. Can any project that any company or person plans to implement be considered a startup? Yes, it is possible, but only when this project contains something completely new that has not been used anywhere or by anyone before.

This is the main feature of a startup. Based on the essence of a startup, it becomes obvious that this type of activity is inherent mainly in small, most often “temporary” companies or individuals. This means that the work algorithm of startups differs in many ways from the work algorithm of traditional business organizations.

However, whatever the differences between classic businesses and startups in business goals and approaches to their implementation, both categories of activity require resources. And this is precisely the important component that unites traditional businesses and startups.

Let us note that today, cloud technologies are becoming a great help in providing resources for any business activity. This means that companies like, which can implement various cloud approaches, are coming to the fore.

Strictly speaking, cloud solutions have become not only an application tool for many business projects but have also significantly reshaped the entire world of information technology. This has led to the fact that not only the possibility of using various flexible approaches to the development of IT products but also the organization of the work of specialists in such rapidly changing conditions has become a priority.

In this case, we are talking about such a form of work and interaction between specialists as DevOps teams. Just like many innovations in the IT field, the DevOps philosophy is gradually gaining its stable position in the work of various companies associated with software development.

New approaches to business solutions

If we analyze the conduct of business today without tying it to any particular area of activity or to any particular country, we can conclude that those approaches that were successfully used a couple of decades ago are becoming completely ineffective today. Previously, projects that were designed for the long term and involved significant capital investments by large companies were traditionally considered successful.

Today, a higher priority is an approach in which large tasks are divided into mobile local projects, the implementation of which falls on the shoulders of individual small teams. The advantage of this approach is that each such team is able to quickly implement a certain concept that can demonstrate not only the viability of the project, but also quickly produce a certain target result.

In order to successfully compete in the market, any company, first of all, needs to accelerate activity in the following areas:

- in the delivery of their products or services,

- in their marketing activities to hear and understand the “voice of consumers,”

- in the study of law, normative and regulatory requirements, and those activities that affect their compliance,

- in applying a risk-oriented approach for the purpose of analyzing and assessing those risks and opportunities that affect the release of products or the provision of services.

DevOps and business efficiency

Such acceleration in business activity must be ensured by the availability of appropriate software by companies. Thus, with the necessary software, banking activities are expanding exchange operations, including decentralized ones, and the trading business is successfully operating Internet offers and online shopping.

This is facilitated by constantly developing IT technologies, which have even affected the public sector. Analysts periodically conduct research to study the impact on modern business of not only the software products themselves, but also the DevOps approaches that were used in the product development life cycle.

The research results are impressive, as they demonstrate a manifold increase in the frequency of code deployment, a record reduction in execution time from commit to deployment, and a significant reduction in recovery time from downtime.

Of course, DevOps practice is not a cure-all for all problems, and there are still many areas for improvement and further development in this area. However, even at this initial stage, it becomes obvious that the full and deep application of DevOps is one of the key factors for successful and efficient work with software.

The priority direction of every successful company should be a gradual shift away from classic manual deployment and many different manual operations toward automation. Therefore, we can conclude that the DevOps approach is not some purely theoretical and absolutely abstract entity that exists on its own and which can be easily dismissed.

The history of DevOps has shown that this practice directly affects company revenues. To confirm such a thesis, it is enough for any company to make a detailed comparative calculation of the costs and time necessary to implement the product development life cycle using both DevOps approaches and traditional methods.

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