UI/UX tips for Mobile App Design

UI/UX tips for android application

Mobile Apps have a paramount place in most people’s lives. Whether we want to or not, it’s almost impossible to go about one’s daily routine without them. Billions of users are interacting with Mobile Apps daily, with almost all of them being on Android or iOS devices. So what is the first thing that the user will see when they boot up an app? The UI. It is of extreme importance to get your app’s UI just right or face the consequences i.e, low user retention rates, poor app reception and likely an inconspicuous position in Google or Apple’s App stores. It’s clear that a UI can definitely make or break an app. While there is no universal UI that would be perfect for every application or product, there are some design choices that every developer can make to ensure their application delivers an excellent user experience.

Let’s take a look at some critical elements that can help developers improve their app’s design and usability:

In-app Navigation: An often overlooked attribute in mobile apps is in-app navigation. In Android Devices, the back button makes it extremely straightforward to go back to previous menus, but for iPhone which has no default back button, the back-to-previous option needs to be placed perfectly to avoid negative user experiences.

CTA Placement: This is a tricky one, but one that can directly determine the success of an app. A CTA needs to be placed prominently, but in a manner that is unobtrusive so it doesn’t aggravate the user and cause them to close or uninstall the application.
It is advisable to place CTA’s immediately after feeding a user relevant info, or, for example, immediately after informing them of a discount or special offer.

Responsive Design: It almost goes without saying, but it is a point that must be reiterated. Smartphone hardware is extremely variable, with devices having differing levels of processing power and Display Resolutions and Aspect Ratios. Any Android App Development Company must absolutely optimize for these criteria. Users are using a range of devices to access apps, including PCs. Developers must keep this in mind while developing their apps. Keeping various user’s different hand sizes in mind: Yes. This is a genuine concern that should be made a note of during development. Buttons and actions need to be big enough and placed with enough distance between them and other buttons/actions so that even people with large thumbs can use the app with ease and without constantly pressing the wrong options.

Battery Life Optimization: Your app can look perfect and be filled to the brim with animations and graphics, but users won’t use it much if it drains their battery. Google’s Material Design principles keep battery life in mind, and unless absolutely necessary it is wise to follow some of its salient points. It’s advisable to create apps which use as little of the colour palette as possible and avoid unnecessary animations which needlessly tax the CPU. Ensure the user can achieve their goal quickly: If you’re making an App for a service like food delivery or a cab service, then your primary goal must be to ensure that the user can achieve their goal (book a cab, place an order) with just a few clicks. Yes, you may put additional options, but in essence, the user must be able to perform their objective quickly.

Security: While this is not completely a UI/UX requirement, UI elements have been known to be hijacked by nefarious parties for stealing data, injecting malicious code etc. This can be counteracted to an extent by keeping abreast of security trends and using the latest version of development tools at all times. Testing with real users: Sometimes, you just need another person’s opinion, and in the case of apps being made for the general public, it can be extremely helpful and insightful to test your app with a sample of your target audience.

Conclusion - There are several techniques to ensure that your app is designed in a manner that would both appeal visually to the user and provide them with an intuitive User-Experience. While it may not be possible to cover every aspect of the tips listed above, integrating a few that are most suited to your application is sure to yield positive results.

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