Time & Attendance Software in Healthcare Industry: Need of the Hour

hospital management software solution

Healthcare workers face innumerable amounts of challenges including the challenge of dealing with time and attendance. There are a number of healthcare facilities that have round the clock shifts, flexible scheduling, and unique demands. And when you consider the global COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers and health departments have been on their toes for the last two months. In order to meet a rising number of demands along with their workforce scheduling and time & attendance could take its toll on their ability to provide quality care for their patients.

Spending hours creating schedules, entering payroll information, and handling scheduling requests is not the wisest decision during a  crisis like situation especially when the technology today is advanced enough to provide time and attendance software.

The right kind of sophisticated time and attendance software in place can ease the overall operations of the organization and provide managers with more time to focus on other important issues at hand.

Prominent features of a time and attendance software

Improve the Way You Create Schedules

This is one of the biggest and the best advantages of using attendance software. It gives you the ability to streamline your scheduling needs. Instead of relying on the manual procedures of creating rosters, automated software gives you the ability to create schedules for your employees.

You can also consider the skill sets of your employees and their availability. By creating such a schedule, you ensure that you are meeting the labor demands of each shift, without going over your payroll hours.

Make payroll calculation easy and effective

Payroll does not always have to be complicated and time-consuming. Once you streamline your scheduling and avoid overtime, the time tracking software in place can simplify the way you calculate payroll. 

The software in place can allow for accurate time tracking and can be easy to use. It also increases transparency and curtails biasness.

Enhanced security of the attendance system

If you look at the attendance in the healthcare sector, it is visible that they deal with multiple shifts and a revolving group of employees. A manual and outdated attendance system can put the organization at risk. It can result in inaccuracies.

Also, employees can engage in attendance fraud when there is a manual system in place. A number of such issues can be prevented by upgrading to a modern attendance system.

It provides you with abilities like multiple clocking terminals, including biometric terminals. 

Curb Payroll Errors

Most definitely, the inaccuracies related to payroll can become costly. Any hospital that has to rely on a system that requires the manual entry of payroll hours, especially at the time when employees are working double shifts, has to go through a lot of hassle. This can take up a lot of time and can also lead to payroll errors.

An automated system can accurately track the hours worked by each employee. In this way, payroll errors can be eliminated and employees can be having access to check their own schedule and available hours.

Freedom for employees to request shift swaps 

Employees prefer having the ability to request shift swaps and time off sans the need to go through the human resources department or waiting to hear back from a manager. Such requests can be easily handled by an automated time and attendance software.

Automating gives the employees the ability to submit time-off requests or shift swaps directly through the system. These requests can then be easily viewed by the managers and quickly check availability and scheduling needs to approve or deny the request.

Managers become more productive

Whenever the overall workload is lifted off from an employee’s shoulder, he/she can become more productive. A reduction in time spent dealing with scheduling and payroll. Managers found that they had more time to devote to other tasks and issues. They were able to focus on issues that actually pertained to the daily operation of the business.

Ability to request shift swaps

Nothing better than giving your employees the ability to request shift swaps and time off sans the need of going through the human resources department or waiting to hear back from a manager. A manager can easily handle these requests through the attendance software.

With an automated time tracking software, the employees have the ability to submit time-off requests or shift swaps directly through the system. These requests can be reviewed and the manager can then check the availability and scheduling needs in order to approve or deny the request.

Improved patient care

When you combine all of these benefits, it can go a long way for a medical organization in streamlining daily operations. It also improves productivity and increases employee morale. When you meet all the staffing needs and avoid worker fatigue, this can consequently enhance the quality of care that a hospital delivers to its patients.


One should consider having a hospital management software solution in place since it can drastically improve the entire organizational landscape. This, in turn, leaves an impact on each and every employee in a positive manner.

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