Technology: Its Importance Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

covid 19

Technology has contributed truly exceptional value to every single aspect of human existence. It has played an important role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We all have witnessed how technology has transformed the new form of public health. 
With chatbots and virtualized patient care, the institutions now leverage the mechanism to triage and distribute care at scale. AI and high-performance computing further helped accelerated the research into understanding the virus spread. It helps develop targeting therapeutics to treat infection and prevent transmission. Of course, its contributions are already highly valued; however, the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic put a much more intense spotlight on technology. Thankfully, technology lent assistance in more ways than we can imagine. 
Nonetheless, to help you get a better idea, here are some of the ways technology has impacted the world through the COVID crisis.

1.   Social distancing alert systems: One of the key use cases for the technology in this regard has been preventing the spread of the virus. This has taken many forms, including apps and other systems to ensure social distancing between people. With social distancing deemed to be an important measure against the spread of the coronavirus, such apps have played a crucial role in keeping people safe as they start to step out of their homes and back into public spaces. 
2.   Digital learning: While technology has lent incredible support in the context of healthcare during the age of COVID-19, the scope of the assistance technology has provided is far more widespread. Take education, for example; sure enough, the concept of digital learning is not new, but before the pandemic, it was not a mainstream option in the industry. However, since 2020 it has served to ensure that students have been able to continue their education instead of facing the prospect of losing at least a couple of years for no fault of theirs. In fact, according to some reports, as many as 1.6 billion students all over the world were affected by the shutdown of educational institutions. Thanks to online learning platforms, conferencing solutions, mixed reality, etc., most of them were able to go back to learning albeit online.
3.   Work from home: It is no secret that not all work necessarily needs everyone to work out of the same premises. Sure manufacturing companies, retail businesses, etc. may have suffered the brunt for a while there, but not all businesses were subjected to the same uncertainty and fate when the pandemic was first declared. A lot of companies were able to ensure continuity without even a day’s break and you know what they have to thank for ensuring that? The concept of remote work and the many, many technologies that enable it, of course. Thanks to the internet, virtual meetings, online conferencing software, and cloud computing among countless other technologies, professionals across a variety of companies and businesses all over the world were able to quickly switch to working from home and ensure continuity of operations without much of a fuss.

If there is one thing everyone would agree about right now, it is that technology has played a critical role in helping the world navigate the many, many complexities of life through a pandemic. It is thanks to technology that we have a social distancing alert system, temperature monitoring, fitness apps, access to the latest information, and so much more — and every single one of these factors have been vital to ensuring continuity of life and businesses through a pandemic that has been raging on for nearly two years now. Suffice it to say that businesses that intend to not only survive this global event but thrive despite it — technology is the only way forward for them.

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