Shanaya Khanna

Shanaya Khanna is an Indian based writer by profession and lover of exploring offbeat places, revealing fashion secrets, foodie and adventurous at the same time. She loves to pen down her fashion tips and experiences on 
And if not writing, she loves to cook, read, and to be in the company of nature.

Articles from this author

Your kids will share

Shocks of a planned pregnancy? Yea some lucky ones get this too! Ever heard? Well, medical term says ‘twins’. Being pregnant with twins tops the list of the shocks, confused! if call it a miracle or trouble? Who can understand this surprise of having twins, only who have got one, wait for two?

  5 Learning Indoor Activities

 These simple games improve kid’s physical, emotional and psychological strength. You can also make bond by dancing together and watching cartoons. You have to spend more time with your kids to enhance their internal abilities.