When is It Time To Replace Your Door


Doors are something that we don’t really consider replacing. And most of us don’t even remember how old our doors are because they have always just been there. However, your doors might be giving you signs that you are probably ignoring. It is important that you take these signs into consideration because it will enable your house to be more energy efficient. Some people don’t even realize how much energy they are wasting by not replacing their doors. Here are some signs that tell you that it is time for door replacement.

1. How easy and hard is it to close your doors

If opening and closing your door is starting to feel like a workout, then that should tell you something. Usually, during winter time the doors become harder to open and close the door because the cold air makes the wood contract. Also, if you see light leaking from your doors, that is a problem because this shows that the air is leaking as well.

2. Your door is very rusty

If your door is started to show rust and dings, that means that structure is not as sound as it should be. This also means that the door is not going to last as long, and it is corroding on the inside, and this can be potentially dangerous for you and your family.

3. You see moisture collecting in the window panes

If you start seeing dew collecting on the panes, that means the seals have been compromised and could lead to molding. This is usually a problem from people whose houses don’t get enough sunlight. Mold remediation is more annoying to deal with as compared to door replacement.

4. You are using towels to keep the cold air out

This is a classic that majority of the time people don’t take seriously. This shows that you know there is a problem, but you aren’t doing anything about it. Most of the time, you don’t even have to replace your door in this case, but it requires some screw adjustments along the threshold surface that will help fix the problem in no time. Weather stripping is also available at most local hardware stores that take very little time to install.

5. You have had water damage before

If you are aware that your house has had water damage in the past, that means your door’s structural integrity has been conceded. Most probably your door is soft and falling apart on the inside. It might look okay from the outside, but in reality it is screaming to be replace. This is dangerous for you and your family, because it easier to break in through these doors.

6. You want to change the look of the house

Aesthetics are very important when it comes to having a beautiful home, and doors help immensely with this. They change the whole look of the house completely, and you can choose to look modern or vintage with the choice of your doors.

7. Bad hinges

Your squeaky hinges are a squeak for help. Not only are they annoying, your door is telling you that it is time for replacement. You can only do so much oiling, and there will come a point when that won’t work anymore. This is also an alarming situation, because just like soft doors, this too will be easy to break into.

Whichever door it is in your house, wear and tear can be potentially dangerous. Some things will raise your energy bills such as drafts and cracks whereas when it is about the structural integrity, it could end being dangerous.

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