How to Choose Different Styles of Double Glazed Windows


Before you try to choose which double glazed window you want to go with, you should first look at the style of your home. If you have something that's a little more classic, you'll want to go with something classic as well when you seek out windows. If you have a more modern home, there are a variety of modern styles that you can go with instead. You can even go with extremely versatile woodgrain finishes if you wish to do that as well. This will let you keep the overall aesthetic of your house while also making a change that will keep it up to date.

In this post, we're going to show you how to choose different double glazed window styles that you can implement. There are many styles of double glazed windows, so we'll look at each and show you what to expect.

Measure for double glazed windows.

Before you start looking at double glazing window styles, you'll first need to know how to measure for these double glazed windows.

In order to accurately price your particular double glazed window, you'll have to measure accurately the area that they're being placed in. This sounds pretty daunting, but it's actually really simple if you follow a couple of rules.

- Measure the width from one plaster to another and the height from the windowsill to the plaster.

- When you're building your online quote, they'll accept measurements in millimetres, centimetres, and inches. You should take an average of three measurements from the width to the height.

- Take a measurement of the bottom of your windowsill to the floor. If this is below 80 cm, you'll have to use toughened glass as well in order to meet regulations.

Once you have your measurements set, you can go ahead and start looking at double glazed window designs. Now that we've gotten an idea as to how to measure for your double glazed windows, we can actually take a look at some of the window designs that are out there. Let's get started.


uPVC Casement Windows

The uPVC casement window is extremely versatile and is suitable for a number of applications. These windows feature a single-lever latch design and are easy to open and close. This makes them especially suitable for places that are a little hard to reach in your house.

Another application of these windows is in the kitchen, usually behind the kitchen sink. This way they're very accessible, even in tough to reach places. These are also very good for an emergency exit. The window swings open wide which will allow you to easily climb through no matter what's going down.

These are also safer windows for use in your upper floor, so putting them up there is definitely a sound decision.


uPVC Bow and Bay Windows

These double glazing window designs are best for people who want to add some identity and character to their home. Any window space that's flat can be converted into this style of double glazed window and will give a sense of heightened space.

These windows also include additional dummy sashes which will create equal sight lines and enhance the overall appearance of your home.

You can also install hidden bay poles which will go under the windowsill and serve as a way of taking on a load while staying structurally sound. You won't have to worry about whatever goes on the windowsill with this application.


uPVC Tilt and Turn Windows

If you're living on the top floor or even a couple floors up, the uPVC tilt and turn windows are a great option to go with.

This design style is available for many types of contemporary and traditional homes. It offers easy clean functionality, a great level of ventilation and enhanced security with its tilt only option. This lets you ventilate your home while keeping the property safe.

It also opens all the way, allowing for exterior access if you choose. The benefit here is that you can clean the whole window without ever having to step outside.


Vertical Sliding Sash Windows

This type of window provides the same kind of characteristics as a traditional property whilst maintaining all of the benefits and functionality of a uPVC window.

This is a great choice if you're looking to maintain the overall charm of your property. Maybe you're looking to replace old Sliding Sash windows that are made from timber, but you don't want to choose a wooden build. This is understandable if you want to upgrade but aren't quite sure what style you actually want. Vertical sliding sash windows are always a good choice of double glazed window.

uPVC Sash Horn Windows

This window is similar to the vertical sliding sash in that it combines a traditional aesthetic with modern materials. This provides both functionality and style. Also just like the vertical sliding sash, this is a great option for people who want to maintain that traditional charm while adding something a little bit different.

Although this window is more suited for traditional properties, it can also be used on modern properties that want to have a more traditional look and feel about them. These are structurally reliable. They're energy efficient and hand finished, which means they're suitable for just about any property.

Final Thought

Before you try to choose which double glazed window you want to go with, you should first look at the style of your home. If you have something that's a little more classic, you'll want to go with something classic as well when you seek out windows. If you have a more modern home, there are a variety of modern styles that you can go with instead. You can even go with extremely versatile woodgrain finishes if you wish to do that as well. This will let you keep the overall aesthetic of your house while also making a change that will keep it up to date.

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