Natural Treatment for Fatty Liver with Ayurvedic Medicine - Fatty Liver Care Pack
The Liver is an important and the largest organ of the body which performs many functions. Mainly the liver regulates chemical levels in the blood, filters all blood in the body, produces bile, converts excess glucose into glycogen storage and many more functions. Due to various causes when there is a deposition of unwanted fat on the healthy liver cells takes place, the condition that occurs is called Fatty Liver disease. This condition affects the liver and hinders its normal functions. In this text, we are going to study Fatty Liver disease, its causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis and its Ayurvedic overview, Ayurvedic medicines for Fatty Liver disease. Also, we are going to study the natural treatment of Fatty Liver disease with the Fatty Liver Care pack of Planet Ayurveda. Let’s start!
Fatty Liver is a condition in which fat builds up on the liver cells in large amounts. Fatty Liver disease is also called Hepatic Steatosis. The term Steatosis is used for the deposition of fat on any organs and here Hepatic Steatosis denotes the deposition of fat on the healthy Liver cells. This condition in prolonged cases can damage the Liver and cause serious complications. The condition of Hepatic Steatosis can be controlled if diagnosed and treated properly. By following healthy lifestyles and healthy practices, one can control the condition of Fatty Liver disease. Several factors are responsible for the condition of Fatty Liver like obesity or increased BMI (Body mass index). By controlling the BMI of the body one can prevent the Liver from becoming fat. This condition can occur in any age group but it is most common in the middle age group. Risk factors that induce the chances of this condition are high cholesterol, obesity, high blood fat etc. Now, let's start the detailed study of Natural treatment of Fatty Liver disease.
There are mainly two types of Fatty Liver disease which are defined as follows:
- Alcoholic fatty liver disease is when fat builds up on the liver due to drinking excess alcohol.
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is when fat builds up on the liver in patients who do not drink alcohol.
There are several factors that are responsible for the condition of Fatty Liver Disease. Prolonged exposure to the following causes can lead to the condition of Fatty Liver disease
- High cholesterol/ triglycerides
- Alcohol abuse
- Obesity
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Late pregnancy complications
- Insulin resistance
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Normally fatty liver disease does not show initial signs and symptoms. The patient found out about this condition through other medical tests. Commonly signs that patients include are as follows:
- Weight loss
- Weakness
- Abdominal discomfort
Usually, patients with Fatty Liver disease do not show any specific symptoms. These symptoms may vary from patient to patient according to their condition and the severity of their condition. When they are present, symptoms of Fatty Liver disease include:
- Tiredness
- Abdominal pain in the upper right part
- Loss of appetite
- Swelling on hands, legs or feet
- Swollen belly (ascites)
- Nausea
- Bleeding with stools
- Loss of weight
Diagnosis of fatty liver disease can be done by taking a proper history of the patient as most of the patients do not show any specific symptoms. In blood tests, high levels of liver enzymes show any abnormality in the Liver. To make a clear diagnosis following tests may be performed:
- Blood tests include complete blood count (CBC) and Liver Function Test (LFT) which can measure inflammation of the liver
- Ultrasound and Computed Tomography (CT) scans can measure the fat deposits on the liver
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for a clearer visualisation of the liver and shows fat deposits on the liver
- Liver Biopsy
Fatty Liver Disease is a condition in which fat is deposited on the liver cells. Continuous deposition of fat on the liver leads to complications and damage to the liver. In Ayurveda, Fatty Liver Disease can be correlated to Yakrutodara. Yakrutodara is discussed under Udara Rogas. Yakrutodara shows symptoms like hepatomegaly (Yakrut vridhi). The liver in this condition becomes very hard just like a tortoise shell. The size of the liver varies from time to time due to Yakrut Vridhi's progression. Doshas involved in Fatty liver disease or Yakrutodara are Kapha dominant Tridosha and Rasa, Rakta and Meda are Dushyas. The Doshas are the energetic forces of nature that are present in the human body and are three in number i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Dushas can be used in the sense of Dhatu (body tissue) and malas (waste products). Ayurvedic medicine for Fatty Liver disease is very effective in the management of such a condition. Here, we are going to study the management of Fatty Liver disease by natural herbs and formulations.
- Vegetables like beetroot, pumpkin, cabbage, ridge gourd, green leafy vegetables, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, broccoli, spinach, round gourd etc.
- Fibre-rich fruits, apples, bananas, melons, berries and fig
- Millets, brown rice, soybeans, oats and whole wheat
- Fennel, turmeric, cumin, black pepper, fenugreek, cardamom and ginger
- Legumes like pulses, chickpeas, lentils and beans
Natural treatment of fatty liver disease can be easily done by Ayurvedic formulations. There are several formulations and herbs in Ayurveda that are very effective in the management of Fatty Liver Disease. Along with Panchkarma, natural herbal formulations are also effective in the management of Fatty Liver disease. Some of the Ayurvedic medicines for Fatty liver disease are as follows:
- Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri)
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
- Katuki(Picrorhiza kurroa)
- Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
- Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
- Patoladi churna
- Chitraka ghrita
- Narayana churna
- Vamana (Therapeutic vomiting)
- Upavasa (Fasting)
- Pachana (Digestive)
- Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
- Basti (Therapeutic enemas)
- Swedana (Sudation therapy)
Planet Ayurveda manufactures a wide range of herbal medicines with high potency. Planet Ayurveda promotes ancient Ayurveda by selection of natural herbs mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. The process of selection of herbs that are used in the formation of medicines is controlled by experts of Planet Ayurveda. Formulations of Planet Ayurveda contain various forms like oil, tablets, capsules, decoctions, powders etc. That is how all formulations of Planet Ayurveda are natural and based on ancient Ayurvedic texts. Here we are going to study one of the best herbal remedies for Fatty Liver by Planet Ayurveda. The Fatty Liver Care pack consists of Yakrit Plihantak churna, Livo Plan Syrup and Liver Detox Formula. This pack is full of Fatty liver Disease. Let’s study detailed about these natural products for fatty liver management
This is a natural herbal formulation of the Planet Ayurveda which consists of herbs like Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurrao), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) and many more. This formulation is very helpful in maintaining liver health. Yakrit Plihantak churna is a good liver stimulant. It helps in removing endotoxins from the liver. It is a good appetiser and due to its bitter and pungent taste, it helps in removing excess pitta from the liver.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice a day with warm water before the meals.
This is a herbal formulation by Planet Ayurveda in the form of syrup. It contains ingredients like Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Kasni (Cichorium intybus) and many more. It helps in maintaining the overall health of the liver and helps in promoting good health to the body. It is a good liver stimulant and alleviates toxins from the body.
Dosage: 2 tsp twice a day after the meals
It is a polyherbal formulation in the form of capsules which contains ingredients like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Kasni (Cichorium intybus), Makoy (Solanum indicum) and many more. This formulation is very useful in expelling excess Pitta from the body. It acts as a Liver stimulant and reduces the deposition of fat in the liver cells.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day with warm water after the meals.
The Liver is the largest organ of the body and is responsible for various functions in the body. It helps in the digestion process and red blood cell decomposition. It is necessary to maintain the liver in normal condition for proper functioning of the body. Here, in the above article, we discussed a condition in which the Liver functions abnormally. Fatty Liver disease is a condition in which an abnormal amount of fat is deposited on the healthy liver cells. This condition, if prolonged, can ultimately lead to damage to the liver. However, this condition can be managed by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. Fatty Liver Natural management can be easily done with Ayurvedic herbal formulation. Ayurvedic herbal formulation plays a major role in the management of Fatty Liver disease.
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