Key Steps for Establishing a Ticketing System in Sharepoint

Key Steps for Establishing a Ticketing System in Sharepoint

Efficient communication and lined-up workflows are among the two most important premises of success in the 21st-century and fast-paced world of business. And you know what can help with that? The SharePoint ticketing system, of course. How? Well, as companies aim to improve self and internal communication and processes, SharePoint is a powerful solution. The platform, which supports the creation of a tailored ticketing system, adapts to meet the specific needs of various organizations.

So, in this handy guide, I will walk you through the essential steps for creating a SharePoint ticket system that will help you with tracking issues as well as improve collaboration and productivity. Let’s go.

Ticketing System from the House of SharePoint: What Does It Mean?

First things first, a ticketing system with SharePoint is really a tool based on the Microsoft SharePoint platform. It serves as an aid to companies to keep an eye on and manage requests. Requests for what you ask. Well, requests for support, incidents, and the other such kinds of queries from customers or even employees for that matter.

Steps For Creating A Ticketing System With Sharepoint

  • Define requirements: Before you start working on building a digital helpdesk, you need a map that will tell you what it will do. This means the kind of issues it is going to tackle, who will use it, what features it will have, etc. You also must figure out the different types of issues it will handle, the journey of a ticket, etc. So, how can you do that? Oh, that is simple. You can, and must, hold discussions with all stakeholders from different departments that will help answer such questions.
  • Set up SharePoint website: Once you have taken the time to define your needs, it is time to move on to step #2. Here, you will set up a new website in SharePoint specifically for the ticketing system project. Do not forget to select the template for this specific website. The site template should always be in alignment with the business requirements and expectations. Then it is time to organize the necessary libraries, lists, document repositories, etc. on the site.
  • Ticket list: After the SharePoint site is set up, it is time to create a custom list. This list is meant to serve as your company's ticket repository or database. Make sure to remember to put in every single field that you have defined during step one. 
  • Implement workflow automation: What most people may not know about using a SharePoint ticketing system is that it helps you eliminate manual work. This means it does away with as much manual drudgery as possible. And given the current discussion, this means you can put in place workflows to automate your ticket processes.
  • Test and train: If you have followed these steps thus far, you are almost in the finish line. So, before you set off to launch the ticketing system for end users, there is one more task to finish. It should be that the development team should first introduce the ticketing system through a testing exercise. It is also important to ensure that the said testing for the ticketing system is done preferably with people who are representative of the intended users. Conducting user acceptance testing is a good idea too.

And voilà, you are now launch-ready.  While this process helps ensure that you have a rock-solid SharePoint ticketing system, one must not forget that it will still need regular maintenance and updates. This is how the system can and must keep up with the evolving market and demands after all, isn’t it not?

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