Jasmine Williams

Jasmine Williams covers the good and the bad of today's business and marketing. She was rummaging through her grandma’s clothes before it was cool and is usually hunched over a book or dancing in the kitchen, trying hard to maintain rhythm, but delivering some fine cooking (her family says so). Tweet her @JazzyWilliams88
Articles from this author
Connected technology has the power to make life significantly better in a number of ways. It can help us explore the world, monitor our health and stay in closer contact with family and friends around the world. But as much as connected tech can be helpful and useful, it can also become a crutch or even an addiction.
Technology is not just giving people the ability to work from home, it is also changing how they do it. Here are 5 ways that technology is changing how people work from home.
How will your company keep up with the rapid pace of digital change?
Whistleblowers report legal, safety, regulatory and other violations and can cause problems for your business if they catch you unprepared. Although whistleblowing can protect the health and welfare of workers, it can also cost a lot in terms of legal expenses.
In a constantly evolving world, businesses must always be innovating to keep pace. In fact, businesses that innovate first, often find themselves the leaders of the pack while businesses that fail to recognize the next big trend can quickly find themselves irrelevant.
Many people have thought about trying to sell their old stuff online to make money, but few lack the initiative to actually carry through with their plan. This guide will assist you in getting rid of things that you no longer need along with helping you choose the right platform ensuring your efforts are worthwhile.