How to Integrate WordPress With Social Media

Integrate WordPress With Social Media

WordPress has grown to become tremendously popular for websites to be built on today. One of the reasons why it has grown exponentially is because it is easy to use and is easy to share with everyone online.

There are many ways how you can integrate WordPess with social media today that can make your life a lot easier as an online content publisher..

Social media is very important in today’s digital age. It isn’t enough to only create a website filled with content and wait for people to discover it on their own.

Yes, they can with the help of search engines, provided your website is SEO friendly. But another great of getting more eye balls on your website is to share it on all social media platforms yourself and to make it shareable so viewers can share them on their social media.

Here’s a couple of the big social media companies API’s:

  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

In this article, we will see how to integrate WordPress with social media so your website can get more clicks and retain users.

1. Social Media Plugins

There are a number of plugins on WordPress that gives you great looking and functioning social media buttons that make sharing easy. Not only easy, these buttons will draw more eyes and make viewers click on them.

No matter the nature of your website’s content, sharing on social media is a must these days. Plugins like GetSocial for WordPress, Manshare, and others are great options for you to install.

2. Automatic Sharing

If you need for all your posts to be shared on social media as soon as they are published on your website, automatic sharing is your answer. Instead of sharing the posts manually, you can have your website set up in a way that your posts are shared on social media at your convenience.

3. Copy Codes from Social Media Platforms

Many social media platforms like Pinterest and Twitter, for instance, will allow you to copy a code which is then to be pasted into the text widget or post of your website.

By doing this you would be able to see an instant Twitter feed on your website and Pinterest button on your images so they can be pinned easily. These are ways to share pieces from your website onto these social media platforms in an easier way.

4. Social Logins

You might have seen websites allowing you to log in using your social media credentials. This not only makes for credible users but also easier on the user to log into your website.

This method of logging in also makes users trust the website more. In other words, it’s a win-win situation for you as well as the user.

5. Revive Old Posts

There is a Revive Old Post plugin that will enable your website to share older posts on your social media. What it essentially does is to breathe life into archived posts.

You don’t need to dig your website up for older posts to share anymore. Simply install this plugin and it will automatically share old posts on a random basis.

There are many WordPress themes are designed complete with automatic buttons for social sharing. However, many user will install different WordPress plugins that will add social media to their WordPress sites without extensive coding.

If you can get your social media to work for you, you can definitely improve your overall WordPress experience. Kindly check out a few WordPress responsive free themes from developers that integrate social media within their themes.

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