Home Remedies for Appendicitis- Cure Appendicitis Naturally

Home Remedies for Appendicitis- Cure Appendicitis Naturally

The appendix is a finger-shaped organ that projects from the colon of large intestine on the lower right side of the abdomen. There is no specific purpose of the appendix in the human body. Appendicitis means the inflammation of the appendix. Although anyone can develop appendicitis, most often it occurs in the age group of 10-30. Inflammation of the appendix causes pain in the lower right abdomen. In most of the people, pain begins around the navel and then moves. As inflammation increases, appendicitis pain increases and eventually becomes severe.

The blockage in the lining of the appendix that results in infection is the cause of appendicitis. Thus, infection by bacteria is the cause of appendicitis. The appendix is a vestigial organ in the human body so the removal of the appendix is recommended but infection of the appendix can be cured by simple home remedies.

What are the signs and symptoms of Appendicitis?

  • Sudden pain that begins around the navel and shifts to the lower right abdomen
  • Sudden pain that begins on the right side of the lower abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain that worsens during coughing, walking or making other jarring movements.
  • Constipation or Diarrhoea
  • Abdominal bloating

Appendicitis according to Ayurveda

  • According to Ayurveda, appendicitis has three stages – Acute Appendicitis, Appendicular Mass, and Appendicular Abscess. In the chronic cases, patients are advised for medical surgery to remove appendicitis. Ayurveda can cure appendicitis naturally at the beginning stage within 24-48 hours of the appendix pain.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis

  1. Dry black grapes – Dry black grapes are antipyretic and they are also the good source of glucose and sucrose which help to maintain the energy level. So, one should consume dry black grapes during the entire treatment and also during fever condition.
  2. Take tea mixed with dry ginger powder and tulsi leaves (Ocimum sanctum).
  3. The patient should not take any type of diet except herbal tea, old rice, rice flakes, moong beans, khichdi (made from moong daal and rice).
  4. Take pomegranate, coconut water, lukewarm water during 4-5 days of the treatment.
  5. Herbs like – Sunthi (dry ginger), coriander seeds, ushira (khus grass) must be boiled in water and taken for a week. One teaspoon of these herbs mixed in 2 litres of water and make the mixture boiled and filtered. Take this medicated water on every hour in little quantity for the whole day.
  6. Buttermilk—Buttermilk is highly effective in treating chronic appendicitis. 1 or 2 of buttermilk glasses must be consumed daily.
  7. Fenugreek Seeds – Take tea prepared from fenugreek seeds regularly. Tea can be prepared by putting 1 tablespoon of the seeds in a litre of cold water and allow it to boil for half an hour over a low flame and then strain it. It should be allowed to cool a little before consuming. This tea is helpful in cleaning the appendix and prevents bacterial attacks.
  8. Carrot Juice – Take 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices mixed with 300 ml carrot juice twice a day.
  9. Whole wheat – The consumption of whole wheat which includes bran and wheat gram has been found beneficial in preventing several digestive disorders including appendicitis.
  10. Fasting – When there are symptoms like – severe pain and fever, the patient should resort to fasting and nothing but water should be consumed. Fruit juices can be given from the third day onwards for the next three days. Thereafter, the patient must adopt only fruit diet for further 4-5 days. After this, the patient should consume a well-balanced diet consisting of nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  11. Hot compresses may be placed over the painful area several times daily. Abdominal packs prepared from a strip of wet sheet and covered by a dry fennel cloth bound tightly around the abdomen should be applied continuously until the acute pain subsides.
  12. Triphala—Triphala powder prepared from three fruits—Amalki, Bibhataki and Haritaki in equal proportion is also beneficial in appendicitis. Take ½ to 1 teaspoon of triphala powder with lukewarm regularly.
  13. Turmeric – Turmeric being an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory herb is quite beneficial in curing appendicitis. Take a pinch of turmeric with water regularly empty stomach in the morning.

It should be taken care that the patient suffering from appendicitis should adopt all measures to eradicate constipation.

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