Home Design Ideas – Using Corbels to Spruce Up the Décor

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The plenitude of engineered and natural materials available for architectural design today practically guarantees that you can implement your vision for the rooms in your home. In particular, supportive elements such as corbels can serve an aesthetic purpose, as well.

In the past, the limited options meant they were used purely in their auxiliary capacity; now, you can find saw-cut, smooth, mill-cut, and PVC corbel brackets to add a touch of inspired design – all cast in high-density foam (HDF).

The Particulars of Home Design

home building bathroom

When you’re building a home, or in the market for having one built to your specifications, then you want the most cost-effective materials – without sacrificing efficacy and quality. As such, be sure to plan out the home building process using software; this provides you with the opportunity to make changes mid-stream, for starters.

Additionally, using home building software also lets you accurately estimate the total cost, as well as receive suggestions from the artificial intelligence regarding crucial amendments that you might have missed.

Corbels: Ideas for Use in the Home

Corbels come in a range of intricate designs because of the ease of carving in HDF. You can use them in obvious, visible places such as the ceiling/cabinet meeting place, where they’ll be conversation pieces for guests. Add a touch of decorative design by using corbels to support a kitchen counter overhang – exquisite architectural products comprise nearly a hundred different styles from which to choose.

Spruce Up Your Shelves

living room

As you can see, corbels make great architectural embellishments; if you have shelves in your kitchen or, in fact, any other room, you can transform the sense of space by placing a corbel “bracket” underneath; this provides added support for placing heavier items that you might have avoided before. In the same vein, you can merge corbels with these in-house structures:

  • Hidden storage places for spice racks underneath kitchen upper kitchen shelves.
  • Large corbels can support a floating desk protruding from the wall.
  • Bookends make for a good subject; the effect will be similar to shelves.
  • Corner windows serve as the perfect place to turn into an eye-catching space by placing a corbel at either upper end to frame the view.
  • The fireplace, and as a piece with which to section off one room from another – a room divider, so to speak.

Of course, home design is a varied field that gives way to numerous home décor styles; in particular, the kitchen and bathrooms are the ones you should consider upgrading first. Why? Because the market price of many homes are determined by the number of baths/beds and the quality of the kitchen, to an extent. This means that you can spend maybe $2000 upgrading your kitchen, and expect the house to fetch $10,000 more than it otherwise would once you put it up for sale.

The Home Exterior

home exterior

Provide your home with an older-century appeal by placing corbels underneath the window shills; the increase in architectural interest will be noticeable from quite a distance upon approach. Not only does this raise the aesthetic appeal while you live there; this also increases the market price should you ever wish to sell the home. How your home appears from the curbside, upon approach, can often tell a prospective buyer everything he needs to know. Plus; imaging pulling up the driveway after work – you want your house to be a sight to behold, after all!

Exquisite architectural products has been happily providing Arizona residents with faux wood building and hardwood moulding for their specialized home design projects for decades, and pledge to continue doing so in the coming years. If you wish to learn best methods in home building, check out some of the ones that have been built throughout the years.

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