Foam Mattress vs Spring vs Latex

latex mattress

Sleep plays an integral role in the holistic well-being of every individual.  Getting the right amount of rest and sleep is as important as having a balanced diet.  Having less slumber disrupts one lifestyle – psychologically and physically.  “Picking the right mattress is a crucial step in having a good sleep,” says Mario from sylvia bazaar.  It is a decision that must be done logically.  With different types of mattresses offered and various features promised, the options may overwhelm the customers. 

The strategic way to select the bed that would suit your needs and demands is to highlight its prime characteristics and abilities.  Foam, spring and latex mattresses are popular breeds of mattresses among others.  It is only practical that we analyze the many advantages that they bring to consumers.


Noted by other reports, foam mattresses are soaring high in popularity thanks to its component affiliation with NASA.  Made from memory foam, an elastic material, its biggest advantage is to adapt to the temperature and weight of a person’s body without producing pressure points.  Another extraordinary benefit of foam is its ability to create straight spinal alignment resulting in relaxation of the muscles.  However, it's sinking motion may not be ideal for many and its excessive heat can disrupt a good sleeping pattern.


Spring mattresses are composed of individual steel coil springs that support the body.  This bed is a cheap alternative to other types thanks to the basic technology that was applied in producing a practical resting tool like this.  Unlike foam mattresses, spring has a good ventilation, hence you need not worry about getting too warm and sweating profusely while you sleep. 

Not to forget that if you’re using this type of mattress, you skip the “outgas” odor produced by foam mattresses.  The negative thing about spring is it does not have the capabilities to ease body pains.  Unfortunately, the weight of your body is not properly distributed because the coils will push back the weight that may result in spine problems. 


The best things about latex mattress -  composition and durability.  Made of a latex foam that is highly breathable, this type of mattress makes it a friendly option for customers who are suffering from asthma attacks and are sensitive to allergens.  Its reliable durability is a promising deal as well especially to those who want to snag a good deal of sleep on a firmer bed. 

Interestingly, latex mattresses are said to have some spring in them that movements to be more pronounced compared to foam.  The disadvantages are its tendency to cause adverse allergic reactions courtesy of the animal protein in it and since latex mattresses are heavy, they are challenging to turn.

The great thing about the booming mattress industry is its ability to adjust to the needs of the buyers.  It knows the scope and limitations of every type of mattress that it offers.  It is a normal thing to compare and contrast.  One can outperform the others and vice versa.  Before picking which type suits you best, consider a lot of factors like certain illness that requires sensitive and special care, like latex mattresses are friendly to those who have asthma. 

For elderly who often suffers body pains, the foam is ideal for easing the pressure and improving blood circulation in the body and to those who easily get warm at night, a spring mattress is the best option.  See, every need has a corresponding answer.  It’s just a matter of careful analysis and a bit of research to decide on the best mattress that will create wonders on your rest and sleep times.

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