
Ben McInerney is a qualified arborist with more than 10 years industry experience. After running a successful tree removal & pruning business he has shifted his attention to the getting customers all over Australia the best deal on tree work, by qualified professionals in their city. Go here for more information.
Articles from this author
Pine trees, found commonly in the Northern Hemisphere belong to the genus Pinus in the family Pinaceae. In favorable conditions, they can grow from anywhere between a few feet to a few hundred feet tall. They have a long lifespan that ranges from anywhere between one hundred years to thousands of years old.
Tree trimming can cost anywhere from $50-$1500. The reason for such a large range is the huge difference in the sizes of trees and the amount of work that needs doing.
Planting trees in the neighborhood is really one of the best things we can do for the local environment. It is evident that the trees not only add beauty to the environment, but they offer enormous benefits.
A tree surgeon or arborist as they are known as is an urban tree care professional who is paid to get high and hug trees all day… literally. Having studied the biology of trees, and their management in an urban environment, this job has grown in popularity (pun intended) since the recognition that trees are essential to the making an urban space more livable.
Who would have thought getting a tree removed could be such a headache!