7 Reasons to Go For Laravel eCommerce Development

Laravel eCommerce Development

Ecommerce businesses can provide excellent customer experience and boost revenue through secure and appealing websites & applications. Whether you wish to launch a new eCommerce platform or update the existing online store, you should think of all the possibilities to make it useful and efficient. 

As part of this, companies build eCommerce solutions using frameworks such as Laravel or other ready-made CMS. However, it is essential to choose the right development technology to maximize ROI.

Why choose Laravel over ready-made CMS to develop eCommerce web-stores

Sometimes businesses prefer ready-made CMS for their eCommerce store development due to its simplified content management, availability of numerous plugins, and short project schedule. However, they end up paying a massive amount for web store customization and maintenance. Moreover, such ready-made CMS causes performance and security related issues.

Laravel framework provides solutions for each type of enterprise eCommerce requirements. Let us look at the reasons why Laravel eCommerce is better than ready CMS.

1. Scalability

Ecommerce store owners regularly add/remove products, suppliers, and other inventory-related information. To update such data on online stores, they require scalable solutions. Laravel’s modularity and MVC architecture help developers to build eCommerce web-store that can be updated with new features as the business grows. 

Lumen and other such Laravel-based micro-frameworks enable enterprises to create and manage web applications with a micro-services architecture. Laravel framework, thus, empowers the eCommerce applications to handle thousands of users at the same time.

2. Ample Options for Customization

Laravel eCommerce comes with plenty of options for eCommerce platform designs. Businesses can showcase brand products as per their requirement and interest. The in-built product search, checkout, and other options, as well as online shop packages such as AvoRed and Aimeos, help to build fully functional shopping carts. A development team can even create custom components based on project needs.

Laravel’s eCommerce templates get designed keeping in mind the usability that helps to streamline the shopping and navigation experiences.

3. Omnichannel Support

The custom Laravel packages help to reduce time & efforts required for the coding of an online eCommerce store. Such a pre-ready baseline boosts the development process and helps to focus on creating an Omnichannel experience for customers.

Developers can build an Omnichannel eCommerce network using Laravel open-source CMS with the integration of physical and digital stores. As a result, businesses can attract & retain customers by providing a seamless experience across devices.

4. Platform Independence

The ready-made CMS often causes unwanted updates in web applications. This process creates unnecessary changes in the app, and the web-store experiences downtime until the update finishes. Laravel offers to build independent eCommerce solutions that allow avoiding needless updates and running your online store smoothly.

5. Flexible Shopping Cart Management

Laravel framework comprises of pre-set codes for basic eCommerce functionalities such as inventories, products, shopping carts, payment gateways, and more. It helps to customize the workflows as per the current and future requirements. 

6. Security

Laravel framework supports the integration of popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and more to benefit both businesses and their customers. It helps customers to pay through their preferred payment option and companies to improve conversion rates and sales. Moreover, developers can integrate back-office systems, analytics tools, mailing services, and other third-party systems with Laravel APIs.

Laravel is a go-to framework to protect eCommerce web-store against common security vulnerabilities. It assists businesses to use the data of customer purchase history and personalize their shopping experience.

7. Large Community Support

Laravel has tremendous community support that helps developers to get the solutions for their bugs and security related issues. The community regularly provides updates, guidance, current market trends, and other relevant information that helps to create robust eCommerce solutions.


Though the choice of Laravel or ready-made CMS for eCommerce development depends on the project requirements and preferences, Laravel can be the best web framework to create next-gen eCommerce web-stores.

Laravel contains all the required features and functionalities that help to build elegant eCommerce applications at a rapid pace. As part of this, a reliable technology partner can help with the custom Laravel development services to create cost-effective and scalable solutions.

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