6 Reasons That SEO Of Your Website Starts From Designing

website designing company

Your website is the centre of your digital marketing efforts and every person wants his or her website to be flawless. It is the most valuable property for ensuring the success of a business. Most businesses make the mistake of starting their SEO efforts after the website is developed. You should be working on the different elements on your website from the beginning of the designing process to ensure that the end product is capable of turning your marketing strategies into successful campaigns.

No website designing company likes to design and develop a beautiful website only to know that all their hard work and creativity was for nothing. Getting back to the different components and making huge changes to the structure of the site is not a good idea. The best thing that you can do to avoid this mess is always keeping in mind the ultimate goal of promoting the website on search engines. Every single element on your website should be according to that plan without ignoring the customer. Let’s take a look at the basic things your website development company can do during the designing and development process to prepare the website for SEO:

Accessibility - At the most basic level, SEO-friendly website is one which easily allows Google or any other search engine to read and go through the pages on your website. So, the more accessible your website is to the search engines, the better it is for marketing. There are two things that you can do to improve the accessibility of your website for search engines:

Indexable Content - If you want search engines to understand the purpose of your website or what is that you sell, ensure that most of the content on your website is text-based. Even the images, PDFs and videos should be indexable.

Linking - Internal linking in your website helps search engines in crawling your website easily. There are tools available online that can help you in ensuring this.

Design For Mobile - The world is aiming to capture the huge audience that is accessing different websites through their mobile phone and you should do it too. Don’t stop at the cliche of responsive design, it’s a thing of the past. You need to go further and think about how the habits of a mobile user differ from a desktop user and design your website according to it. For example, the pop-ups that you can use for desktop users can irritate mobile users, and you will only lose them forever.

Easy To Explore - Search engine like Google always check your website for things that can enhance the user experience. The easier it is for the user to explore and find relevant information on your website, the better it will be for getting indexed by the search engine. URLs should be simple, navigation should be easy, XML sitemaps should be there and everything will automatically fall in place.

Speed - This is another thing that is directly related to mobile phones. In this era, where most of the searches come from mobiles, users’ attention span has declined considerably. If your website takes too long to open, the user will not wait and start to look for other options. This doesn’t go down well with search engines as it is not the best experience for the user and consequently your website loses credibility. So, focus on speed and make the experience pleasant for mobile users.

Refining - Now that we have built a solid foundation, the company, that will provide SEO services to you, can work their way up to achieve better results on search engines. Working on keyword targeting, HTML Title Tags, Meta Description Tags, Content and Heading Tags. These things don’t make a big difference but a successful organic marketing campaign for your website is comprised of such small efforts. The prime focus should be on content and how to leverage it for better results.

So, you must have noticed by using your sixth sense that designing your website with an aim of promoting it on search engines leads to a better design and also facilitates the SEO efforts that will come later.

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