2018's Top 5 Social Media Trends To Hit The Right Business Marketing

Social media marketing

The only way to hit the bull's eye in business promotion is to push the efforts in the area where most of the time your target audience is present. In the current time, Social Media is the powerful platform and the demographic where most of the time your targeted audience spends their time. The popular social media platforms like, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other popular platforms are day-to-day getting updates and enhance their user experiences. The Social Media world is incredibly evolving, and it is essential for your business to adapt to the latest demands and happenings in this sector. Below are the top 5 social media marketing trends to watch in 2018. 

  • Video

The days have extinct when users just posted text, image or some link on social media, it is more personalized now. Videos have entirely grabbed social media; users are more involved in video chats and business are more focused on video promotions for their companies. With Videos, businesses can make the dull information exciting and avoid using the generic things. Research reveals that about 43% of users prefer to see video from businesses and on a global-scale 51.9% of marketing experts consider video as the best ROI content type. As the popularity of video content is increasing since last year, it is expected that videos will get more user engagement on all social media channels. The current prevailing trend is live streaming, and for businesses looking to grow their game in 2018, it is the hottest trend to adopt.

  • Influencer Marketing

Before I ask you to try influencer marketing, let's look at the below statistics,

1) 70% of teenage audience on YouTube, prefer the opinions from influencer than the celebrities

2) 86% of women shoppers first go through products and services

3) 32% of US-based influencers rate the best platform as Facebook

4) 71% of buyers are more to make a sale when referencing from social media

Focus on creating relationships with influencers who are ready to push more efforts for your brand, have clear goals, and the one who knows how to do well with your requirements.

  • The fall of Twitter

Twitter has played an eminent role in the social media marketing, yet for now, it is lagging behind Instagram and Facebook. These social media channels offer more features Twitter. And the rate in 2017 at which followers are increasing on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, Twitter lag a lot.

  • Social messaging apps

Social messaging apps are no less than the social media channel. For example, in 2016, Whatsapp acquired 1 billion users. The popularity of these apps will directly influence how businesses market through social media platforms. In 2018, it is anticipated that social messaging apps will be an important part of the social media marketing. Messaging apps will play a huge role in client support.

  • Chatbots

Chatbots are in the game for a long time, yet in recent years the technology has impressively improved. Chatbots are the automated tools specifically created to simulate human conversation intelligently. For a chatbot to efficiently perform, there is no need for a human operator. In 2018, not just simply offering round-the-clock customer support, Chatbots are expected to perform advancingly.


2018 has already begun, and businesses to maximize their return from social media need to rethink their social media marketing approach. Social media changes the moment you blink your eye. And for your business to be in the lead, it is important to embrace the top social media trends of 2018 to stay updated in the market and to get more leads from social media platforms which are trending recently.

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