10 Kitchen Renovation Tips

10 Kitchen Renovation Tips

1. What you use the most

Before you start renovating, think about the parts of the kitchen you use the most. You can even spend a week living your normal life but paying more attention to this aspect. If you never ever use the toaster why should it have a special place on the counter? If you use the same dinnerware every night, then why not store away the rest and use the free space.

2. Buy what you need

Again, it is pointless to fill the space with appliances you don’t need. Just because you saw it in the shop doesn’t mean you really need it. Do you think you’ll use this yogurt maker on a daily basis? Will you even have the time for it? Prioritize and be realistic.

3. Don’t overspend

Yes, surely a high-end stove will make your kitchen incredible. But is it worth the money? There are stoves that are far less expensive and can do the same job. And it still looks beautiful and classy without you breaking the bank.

4. Decide before you start

It is easy to start a renovation but not having a clear plan can actually become a huge problem later on. Know your needs and what will work best for you and your home. If you can’t decide alone or you don’t want to risk, just ask for advice the pros in your area.

5. Set up a budget

It may seem like a few little renovations are nothing but there are a lot of unexpected fixes that have to be done instantly. So before you start making changes, set up a budget and stick to it. Decide what you can spend more money on and what is not that important to you and your needs.

6. Plan carefully

If you’re getting new cabinets you have to know the exact measures of the kitchen and what can fit in it. You don’t want to purchase something that you can’t use. Just to be on the safe side, when you’re buying a new washing machine, you can ask the store assistant if you can return it or change it with another model.

7. Hire help

If you have decided to DIY, that is great, especially if you have experience. But that doesn’t mean you can’t hire a pro for the toughest tasks. It is wiser to let the experts install your new stove or sink. There are things that require a qualified pro.

8. Pick the floor

Depending on how much time you spend in the kitchen, it is important to be comfortable. Wood flooring is actually more comfy to walk on while stone floor is highly durable. Of course, there are many options - do your research and be well aware of each type and its flaws.

9. Keep track of everything

It is wise to have a folder/notebook where you can collect and write down all expenses. This way, when you’re done you can conclude what time it took to get it done, how much money you’ve spent, the materials you’ve bought, etc. So you’ll have a better idea of how to do things the next time you renovate the kitchen.

10. Don’t stress

Last but definitely not least - keep calm. Things can be prolonged, there could be unexpected problems, you could get impatient but there is no way it won’t be done. Keep a clear head - your kitchen will be renovated regardless of a few little issues. Stressing over time and expenses will not help you in any way.

There are definitely some things you should and shouldn’t do in home remodeling and renovation. Still, don’t forget that this is your home and your kitchen - it is up to you to do it your way. You’re the one who should find it both enjoyable and comfortable at the same time.

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