Ways Intelligent Automation Can Grow your Business

Ways Intelligent Automation Can Grow your Business

No, we’re not yet able to see robots walk our dogs or see complex robotic organism working at a nuclear facility, but we’re not in the Stone Age either. Unfortunately, people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to Artificial Intelligence and easily get pessimistic when these expectations aren’t met. However, AI has been slowly infiltrating the business industry, allowing us to harness the power of machines truly.

AI is looming over the business world, making corporate robotics one of the fastest growing industries on the planet. While most AI startups are based in the US, the revolution is taking over the world. AI technology allows us to harness the power of IA, or intelligent automation. What is it, anyway? It’s something we see every day but don’t notice.

Intelligent automation is merely software that can detect object or products in image files and can extract data from documents and manipulate that same data. These forms of software are trained to complete human-like tasks, with further options to adapt, learn and overcome. Let’s see how this form of AI can aid your business in its growth.

Productivity Will be On the Rise

“They took our jobs!” – This famous quote from South Park is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions AI taking some of our jobs. Thankfully, there will be no need for torches and pitchforks because there is a lot of good facets of this intelligent automation takeover. Yes, we will lose some jobs but let’s ask ourselves – do we need that jobs?

Let’s say you’re running an eCommerce site and your employees have to spend most of their time checking orders and calibrating data. Now, imagine those same employees not having to do those tedious tasks and having 70% more free time, all while being 130% more productive while performing those vital tasks.

This is why intelligent automation is the future of business, regardless of the type of the business at hand. The effect of AI in terms of productivity is divided into these simple steps:

•    The employee will have to perform only the essential tasks.

•    The employee will be more productive.

•    Due to a more productive work environment, the competition will grow, and you will be able to get the best of the best for your company.

Human Errors Will be a Thing of the Past

Most of the things involved in running an online business revolve around repetitive tasks. Sure, they might not be rocket science, but these tasks sure put a lot of strain on the human mind. When faced with these boring challenges, the mind will quickly lose interest and will be more likely to err. Such mistakes may prove to be costly in times of need.

Software robots can’t grasp the notion of fatigue, which is an advantage when handling the more repetitive tasks. Chatbot programs are an excellent example of this notion, as they can carry out their simple mission billions of times, without a single flaw. In addition to their lack of fatigue, these bots can gather data from your customers and allow you to have a more customer-friendly site. All by listening to your customers, through the mediation of a chatbot.

Your ROI Will Skyrocket

We’re now getting to peak late-stage capitalism when it comes to your return on investment. It’s not a secret that a large part of every company’s budget is allocated in the payment sector. However, it’s never that just because the human factor is mostly unpredictable.

Of course, humans are still unprecedented in many areas of work and machines will never match our intuition, improvisation, imagination and quick thinking.

However, with some medial tasks, you can count on intelligent automation to boost your ROI. How will you accomplish that exactly?

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