Ways How Technology Changes Real Estate


We are changing the world with technology; it has already become a part of our life in every fashion. From communication, transportation to business, the technological advancements have made our daily grind streamlined than ever before.

Want to buy a home? Or want to rent one with all the amenities? Pulling up a list on your tablet or phone is the norm nowadays. However, it’s just a beginning as technology continues to embellish the involvement between the consumers and industry professionals.

The sphere of influence drill more profound in the real estate business with each passing day. Here are six of the most critical changes technology brings to real estate.

Property Listing

Remember the old days where you used to put away days to explore the neighborhoods in quest of desirable buying options? Well, that’s in the past. With the introduction of websites, anyone can see the available inventory to find what is up for grabs.

The online listing of properties comes with photos and detailed descriptions to aid the buyers in finding suitable spaces. Moreover, the customers are now allowed to see details like the tax, purchase histories, and rating of schools and amenities near the property they wish to purchase. It doesn’t end there as well; you can even get a satellite view to locate the asset and find how close they are to shopping centers and hospitals.

Virtual Tours

Are you not convinced with the photos and descriptions? No worries, the rise of virtual reality in real estate enable the customers to tour spaces without having to leave the comforts of their homes. The latest visual software’s bring 3D virtual information of residential and commercial areas making it feel real as taking a stroll through the property in person.

Mobile Applications

Going mobile is a new trend in business. With people spending most of their time on smartphones, it’s an obvious way for the real estate companies to reach their audience in quick-time. The applications grant the users to avail realtors’ services within reach of their fingertips.

The services also include notification of new properties based on your criteria. It helps you get direct access with asset managers from within the app saving your valuable time.

Online Investment Facilities

With the introduction of REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust) and CRE (Commercial Real Estate) crowdfunding platforms, the financiers are now able to invest in high-quality real estates. CRE crowdfunding allows investors to spend in small portions whereas REITs provides stock like experience for the customers.

By pooling the resources online, companies make up enormous sums for promising projects. It gives entrepreneurs and low stake investors to gain partial ownership in commercial real estate investments.

E-signing Features

With financiers going through deal signings and transactions, finalizing an agreement has always been a time-consuming task. However, with E-signing in the frame, the new platforms are now offering services to complete multiple transactions at once. The legal and secure e-signatures have improved the efficiency of completing deals by saving time and staying organized.

Artificial Intelligence

The next generation AI tools take care of prospecting, lead generation, and customer service in real estate. Though it’s not deployed throughout the industry, the initial stage deployment has attained robust responses from within the industry. AI provides agents instant access to data and offers their clients 24/7 personal assistance within an affordable budget.


Technology is making our lives more comfortable; the same goes for real estate. It has simplified the functioning of the real estate market over the years. Integrating technology with the business, realtors are now focusing on offering a reliable solution for investors in real-time. To sum up, these days a deal can be done without you having to leave the couch, it’s as simple as that.

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