Travel Insurance For Solo Travellers

Travel Insurance - Man on Mountains

Flying solo flight has a certain kind of lure for travellers who would rather dance to their own tune than keep up with or adjust themselves to the habits of a companion or a caravan. Setting your own itinerary, following your own rules and exploring places at your own time and pace can be liberating.

Experiencing inconveniences can hamper a solo traveller's enthusiasm for an independent adventure. Travellers are highly advised to plan ahead for a more enjoyable and worry-free vacation. Unless you are perfectly fine with unpredictable situations, failing to plan may likely compromise the level of comfort you are accustomed to.

Here are a few reminders to get you through the travel planning process:

1. Set a proper budget. How much are you willing to pay to get the experience you want? Most solo travellers are backpackers. They do not mind rough accommodation, can sacrifice a few comforts and prefer hand-carry knapsacks to travel trolleys. Solo travels mean you have to adhere to a more flexible budget. Because there are no companions to back you up financially, you need to ensure you have enough money left until the end of your trip. Every penny counts so spend wisely.

2. Get a travel insurance plan. Smart travellers understand why they should purchase travel insurance before boarding the plane. They know that without protection, all that is left is heartache. Aside from having no choice but to grieve upon their non-refundable losses, travellers without a travel insurance plan are often forced to dish out more money every time a flight is cancelled or delayed, a luggage is lost or a medical emergency occurs. Imagine the price you have to pay by simply failing to purchase a plan. Take note: review your travel insurance policy from cover to cover prior to making a purchase decision so that you fully understand what you are getting into.

3. List your itinerary. If you intend to travel to a particular place, then know what you want to do in there. List down the landmarks you want to visit, the restaurants or cafes you hope to dine at and the activities you plan to undertake throughout the whole trip. Serendipity may appeal greatly to your sense of adventure but do not risk it unless you are extremely solvent and could not care less where you go or how you spend your money. Then again, remember that you are travelling alone to a foreign place. When jotting down your itinerary, safety should be a prime consideration.

4. Make a follow-up. Errors happen on a daily basis and even seasoned customer service employees err in their judgment. Since you understand that anything can happen to your accommodation and other bookings without your knowledge, your ideal recourse would be to make a follow-up a week or a few days before your arrival date. Contact the hotel or hostel by phone or email and remind them about your booking. The management usually sends out your booking details after they receive your down payment (if booked online). Once confirmed that everything is good, then you can take their word for it.   

5. Pack early and pack light. There is a good reason why you should pack early – it saves you the trouble. Many travellers are not adept at packing light. They either overpack or underpack. To remedy this problem, pack way ahead of time. This also spares you from resorting to panic-buying. Have a clear idea of what you want to bring with you. Prioritize your basic needs including toiletries (which may cost more if you buy them in another country with a higher currency). Include an emergency kit. Do not bring more than what is necessary. Always settle your packing woes immediately after paying your airfare so your solo escapade does not suffer a blow.

Now that you know what you need to do as a lone adventurer, you are ready to start your journey.

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