Simple Hacks to Make your Small Lounge look Bigger

living room

A small living area may feel like a lost cause, yet there is still hope! If you’re tired of the cramped feel, fear not, there are things that can be done to create a feeling of more space using some simple eye trickery!

You really can open up the space considerably without the need to knock down any walls or create any extra physical space!


By utilising the power of light, you can create the illusion of a bigger room simply by choosing light colours for your walls. This is because dark colours absorb light and light colours reflect it. When light is reflective, it makes things appear more open, airy and spacious.

Opt for off-white, blue or green colours on your walls and ideally choose a lighter colour for your skirting and coving, as this can make the walls appear further away which then creates the impression of the room being bigger than it is.

In an ideal world, if you are open to it, the very best way to trick your mind into thinking the room is bigger than it is, is to paint the walls, floors and ceiling completely white! In doing so, you blur the boundaries, causing the eye to travel up making the ceiling seem higher and the whole room feel open and airy. This is not for everyone though and you don’t have to go to this extreme unless you feel the need to.


Any room lacking natural light can feel smaller, regardless of the physical size. Therefore, allowing as much natural light into the room will create instant space.

If you have heavy curtains dressing your windows, replace these with light coloured blinds and keep them drawn up during the day.

Replace solid internal doors with glazed alternatives to allow the light from adjacent rooms in. This will not only provide more light but also create a seamless blend and flow between them, making the rooms feel more like one large open space.

Using large, statement mirrors on the walls directly opposite the windows will provide the deception of depth, whilst also doubling the amount of natural light bouncing into the room.

In addition, avoid harsh spotlights and instead add a few small lamps spread around the room to lighten up any dark corners as much as possible.


Be mindful that dark colours on the floor are not ideal if you are looking to open up a space. You could choose from cream carpets, light coloured tiles or laminate or even whitewashed wood flooring. Whatever flooring you choose, ensure it is light and bright to reflect rather than absorb the available light.

If you choose not to have carpet and are concerned about a lack of cosy warmth within the room, you can counter this by adding a light coloured, suitably sized rug. Furthermore, if you need to elongate the available space, adding a striped rug to the floor will make the whole room appear longer.


Choose your furniture carefully, as too much will drown your small room regardless of how much light you’ve created! Furthermore, be sure to buy suitably sized furniture that is proportionate to the available space, as anything that is too large for the room will make it looked cramped.

For another optical illusion, choose glass or mirrored furniture pieces to keep the light maximised throughout the space.

Where possible, choose multi-functional pieces that serve as hidden storage, this way you can keep room clutter to a minimum and avoid overcrowding the space.

Be sure to place your furniture around the room for maximum effect. For example, place larger pieces against the walls to open up the room.

Choosing furniture such as sofas and coffee tables with exposed legs will provide a sense of movement and openness. This is because it allows light to flow freely through the room.

Avoid furniture that is too high as this makes the ceilings look lower down and therefore less spacious.

Finally, to free up even more floor space, consider mounting your television to the wall and use floating shelves for other appliances.

Soft Furnishings

Choose a monochromatic colour scheme, adding different tones of the same colour for your room fabrics, ornaments, cushions, throws and other room accessories. This is where you can bring in more warmth as you can afford darker tones.

Above all else, just keep it simple!

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