10 Tips to Liven Up your Living Room Walls

Wall decor

Are you bored of the same old décor on your living room walls and want to do something new? We have curated a list of 10 ideas with which you can liven up your living room walls. These living room décor ideas will take the ambience and the look of your home up several notches.

1. Mirror mirror on the wall

Who’s the fairest of them all? A mirror is one of the most versatile décor items that can be placed and sued in the house. Mirrors of different sizes, shapes and border colours are available to suit the taste of a person. A mirror can be placed in the bedroom for utility purposes, in the hallway and living room for decorative purposes. If placed directly across an open window, it will reflect light and brighten up the entire room. A mirror also gives an illusion of making the place look bigger than it actually is.

2. Painting

When we talk about paintings, it is not necessary for them to be made by a renowned artist and also isn’t necessary for them to be extremely expensive. It just has to look good, needs to be complimentary to your personality, needs to add something décor wise to your living room wall, and most importantly, it needs to be liked by you. If you yourself don’t enjoy he art that is hanging up in your living room, there’s no use of having it.

 3. Photos

One of the easiest and most cost effective ways to decorate your living room walls is by hanging up pictures of your friends and family is intricate and unique frames. These pictures can help you relive and look back at beautiful memories that you have created over the years when you were on a vacation, or at a party, or a wedding. You can hang up baby pictures of your children as well. To make a masterpiece out of the photos, hang the frames up like a collage to create a photo memory wall.

4. Wall Lights

 An easy way to brighten up your lives quite literally is by mounting wall lights to your living room. Now these can act as the primary light source in your house or even be used to set the mood or be used as dim lights. Wall lights look like décor pieces on the wall when not in use and reflect colours well (depending on the colour of the bulb) switched on. While buying home décor accessories online, keep your eyes peeled open for a good deal on wall lights.

5. Wall Mural

Murals are large paintings that are done on the wall itself to decorate the space. The wall mural could depict anything from floral patterns, to a natural landscape, to something abstract. A wall mural is taking one step ahead of having a wallpaper in your home. It adds character to your living room.

 6. Key Holder

This is one of the most useful wall accents that you will have in your living room. This useful wall accent can be placed in the hallway leading to the living room or in the living room itself. If you’re someone who loses their house, car or bike keys all the time, mounting a key rack will save you a lot of time every morning, rummaging through your stuff trying to find them.

 7. Shelves

Another wall accent that is multi-purpose and of great utility, shelves on the living room walls can be used for showcasing various items like your favourite books, photo frames, decorative paraphernalia, small potted house plants etc. This acts not only as storage space, but also as décor for your living room wall.

Place some bright pieces on the shelves to add a pop of colour.

 8. Wallpaper

Want to change the look of your wall but not sure which colour or patter to whole-heartedly commit to? The solution to this problem is wallpaper. If you’re tired of having the same boring old musty colour on your living room wall, at a much cheaper rate instead of painting the wall with a whole new colour, you can just add wallpaper to it or to a part of the wall. The wallpaper can either be a solid colour with certain patterns, or have geometrical designs or abstract designs.

 9. New Wall Paint

Sometimes, it is permissible and acceptable to start absolutely afresh. If the paint on your living room wall is in tatters and is starting to peel off, maybe it’s now time to repaint your living room wall. This is the place where you entertain your guests and friends and so it is necessary for the space to look good. Consider what colour you want on your walls with swatches, and accordingly go for it.

 10. Mount your TV

A good space saving and stylish idea for the living room is to mount your flat screen TV on the wall. This will not require you to buy a TV unit and save that extra space, at the same time make your wall look full and stylish.

These smart yet simple living room wall décor ideas are sure to liven up the look of your homes.

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