Why the World Is Going Gaga About Gas Log Fireplaces

Gas log installation

There are few things in life as charming as sitting in front of a fireplace on a chilly day. Read the latest novel or sip your favourite drink or a cup of tea and life is total bliss. Fireplaces are one of the must-have at any homes. They add to the décor and at the same time keep your room warm and comfortable inside when it is chilly outdoors.  When you are hosting guests and friends they talk a lot about your lifestyle. But the very idea of burning firewood often tends to sound discouraging enough. The effort takes to light one or the cleaning regime that is required to maintain a fireplace often takes away all the charm of sitting in front of it.

Should you turn to an electric heater then? It doesn’t quite create the kind of experience as with a fireplace, does it? As a good alternative, you can switch to a gas log fireplace and that would be the smartest thing to do. The world is going gaga over them and there are good reasons for that. You enjoy the charm and experience of sitting near a fireplace and yet don’t have to deal with the mess of burning firewood. With manufacturers coming up with newer and better models of gas log fireplace their popularity and rate of adoption has only increased in recent years. Should you follow the crowd and go for these fireplaces? You should and there are several advantages of doing so. Here we take a look at some of the reasons for adding these modern fireplaces to your living room -

They create real experience…  

Aesthetically these fireplaces create the same look and feel like traditional wood-based fireplaces. From a distance, it is difficult to even tell that there is no firewood inside the fireplace. Installation companies would creatively place the ceramic logs or those made of other materials to create a real firewood kind of feeling. Also, you have more creative control over how your fireplace appears and you can do your research online and create something that fascinates your guests and gives you a sense of satisfaction.

They are safe to operate…

A firewood based fireplace can always pose threat if you have pets and kids at home. In fact, many people with pets and kids often avoid running one thanks to the constant fear they have in their minds. With a gas log fireplace, you will have no such worries as they don’t produce sparks or smoke that can harm your pet and kids or pose any threat to them. Apart from being safer, they require minimum maintenance and hence you don’t need to clean your chimney as many times as you would need to do for your traditional fireplace.

They are eco-friendly…

There is a global awareness building around saving the planet. Every individual and institution is working towards reducing their carbon footprint. Firewood is low on efficiency and also produces a lot of smoke and greenhouses gases. By switching over to gas log fireplace you would be opting for cleaner fuel and achieve more in terms of efficiency. This is one of the reasons why people from around the world are fast replacing their traditional fireplaces with these new ones.

These reasons are convincing, aren’t they? All that you need to do is find a reputable company that offers gas log fireplace installation. These companies install fireplaces of the leading brands and would offer you a wide range of options based on your budget and home décor needs.


In this write-up, we take a look at some of the reasons why gas log fireplaces have gained immense popularity in recent years and why you should think of installing them.

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