Scaffolding: 5 Different Types to Suit Your Building Construction

Scaffolding: 5 Different Types to Suit Your Building Construction

In every building construction, scaffolding is very important in creating a safe environment. It is used in different purpose that is very helpful in every construction project.


It is a temporary rigid structure forming a platform to help Mason works at different heights. The scaffolds also help to lift materials needed in the construction.

The bricks, blocks, cast-in-place concrete, stucco are just some of the significant loads in the building materials that the scaffolding has been supporting.

Scaffolding holds seriously heavy loads so that it needs to be stable and strong to ensure the safeness of the mason and materials.

Parts of Scaffolding

  1. Standards - vertical member that is supported on the ground
  2. Ledgers - horizontal member that is parallel to the wall
  3. Braces - diagonal member that is fixed to the standard
  4. Putlogs - traversed member that is being placed on the end of the wall and ledgers in a right angle
  5. Transoms - is when both ends of the putlogs are supporting the ledgers
  6. Boarding - horizontal platforms where workmen stands and materials are being put
  7. Guard Rail - like a ledger, it is provided at the working level
  8. Toe Board - These boards are placed parallel to the ledgers.

There are different types of scaffolding to suit in every building construction. Sometimes scaffolding differs from the equipment used and the knowledge of people when it comes to forming scaffolding.

Common Scaffolding Types

  • Single Scaffolding

In brick masonry, single scaffolding is the most commonly used type. So other's called it a brick layer's scaffolding.

It consists of ledgers, putlogs, standards etc. that corresponds to the wall. It should be at a distance of around 1.2 meters. There should be a distance among the standards that is around 2 to 2.5 meters. Then put the ledgers joining the standards at an upright gap of 1.2 to 1.5 meters. While the Putlogs are placed from the gap remaining in the wall to the other end of the ledgers and positioned with a gap of 1.2 to 1.5 meters.

These measurements ensure that you're scaffolding are stable and strong to holds the heavy materials and the safeness of the workers.

  • Double Scaffolding

Others used to call this as mason's scaffolding as it is usually found being used in stone masonry.

It is hard to make holes in the stone wall, that is why to make sure that the scaffolding is strong, 2 rows of scaffolding is being constructed to support the putlogs. This type of scaffolding is much stronger than the single scaffolding. The distance of the row to the wall should be 20-30 centimeters while the other one is 1 meter away from the first row. These two frames support the putlogs and to make the scaffolding stronger and cross braces are placed.

  • Cantilever Scaffolding

This type is also called needle scaffolding because the standards are being supported on a series of needles. It can be a single type or double type. The needles are taken out through the holes in the wall. You should be careful in constructing this type of scaffolds. It is due to the reason that this type is used under these certain conditions:

When to use Cantilever Scaffolding:

  • The grounds' capacity cannot support standards
  • The ground should be free from traffic or the construction is carried in a busy streets
  • The upper part of the wall is still under construction or the construction project is a multi-stored building

You can ask the help of professional scaffolders in constructing this type of scaffolding.

  • Suspended Scaffolding

This type of scaffolds is suspended from the roofs. Others call it as swing set scaffolding. Wire ropes or chains are being used to hold the platforms. It can be raised or lowered to the required level that you need. This is commonly used in repair works, painting the wall of the buildings, pointing. Aside from that, this type is also used in cleaning the outside of the building wall.

  • Trestle Scaffolding

This type is usually 5m height and the working platform is being supported by movable tripods or ladders. It is very ideal to use when you are doing a paint job or repairs inside the room.

These are just the commonly used type of scaffolding that you can use when you have a building project. You can construct these scaffolds depending on your needs. Remember that you are using this to help you ensure the safeness, provides easy access and provides strategic position advantage of your workers. And to help you achieve this, make sure that you hire credible scaffolding contractors.

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