How to Bring Your Home into the Line With Top Trends

How to Bring Your Home into the Line With Top Trends

Revamping your interiors is a challenge homeowner face every now and then. One of those challenges is designing schemes that are timeless, lasting, and stay on-trend without adding features to their home that risk quickly becoming obsolete.

To that end, many homeowners are shifting to a transitional interior design between the traditional and contemporary ones. There has been a significant movement from heavy and dated aesthetic to a cleaner and more transitional look. They are accompanied by crisp or pale grey walls, quartz counterparts, and fixtures with clear lines in modern homes. Contemporary homes now offer more warmth with contemporary furnishings setting aside dark and antique looks.

So what are the latest interior design trends for living rooms, bedrooms, and home offices that can last longer than usual? We have compiled some expert tips for this, read here:

Living Room Trends

One of the most prevalent designs that have emerged over the past decade is the open-floor design. Many designers say that this is here to stay because homeowners continue to reject discrete spaces in favor of creating expansive and open living dining areas.

Even when the homeowners have more square footage, they are still not interested in building a separate formal living and dining spaces. The reason behind this popularity is that homeowners want living rooms that are multipurpose with both comfort and flexibility.

People want their living spaces to feel cozy but also glam. A house should function equally for a couple at the end of the day to sit on the couch and watch your favorite TV show and also to host a dinner party for 10.

Furnishing this flexibility is also an art. Open living rooms should be furnished with sectional sofas as well as oversized pillows that can be moved around for informal seating. Large coffee tables should be preferred for casual dining.

The colors should be neutral with charcoal and neutral palette. This provides more elegant and understated look. The colors should also complement with the soft furnishings to support the trend.

Bedroom Trends

Before you do a purple mattress review for a cozy sleep, the overall coziness and comfort must be a prime requirement when designing bedrooms. Lush fabrics and high thread count sheets are still important.

Many homeowners are looking for personalization for linens and other materials for creating a luxe gateway for both themselves and their guests.

Some people even prefer a logo or brand for their house embroidered on pillowcases or bathrobes for guests. It’s one-of-a-kind feature for homeowners.

If a home has a great design foundation, you can update the style with current trends without any major shake-up of your interior. The bed and headboard could be neutral and then made more striking by dressing it in different color combinations. Design features that hide screens is also a style priority for homeowners. For this, dropdown screens can be used or that are hidden in the cabinet.

Another trend that adds an air of timelessness is the use of metal accents in lighting fixtures and hardware to enlighten the understated spaces. For this, brass lightening and hardware can be used. It adds a touch of warmth and refinement to your bedroom. So before doing a purple mattress review, add those details to your bedroom for a luxury view.

Home Office Trends

Home offices must look like a space that is appealing and welcoming. How can this be done? This typically involves concealing the functional and clunkier aspects of the office space.

The laser printers and other office machinery should be hidden behind the cabinets so that they don’t sit on the desk. For home offices, anything that gives an organized and beautiful feel is the key.

Another challenge in home office space is managing the tangles f wires that come with the ever-increasing amount of tech and gadgets we need to stay connected. For this, desks with easy power access and pop-up electrical sockets or flash drive chargers are in demand.

Managing light and sound is also critical to creating a focused yet comfortable office space. Offices with large glass walls are hard to make cozy as the sound bounces off them. To manage this, augment with automated shading systems. 

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