5 Things You Need to Know When Buying an Inverter Generator

Fuji Micro 3,700W Petrol Inverter Generator - F5200Ri

Inverter generators are quickly becoming a standard fixture of our everyday life, but they are also one of the least understood machines. Many individuals still do not know the differences between a traditional generator and an inverter generator, and a few even feel that the two phrases are synonymous.

The technology supporting inverter generators are a recent development, and the machine is only made possible by high tech magnets and innovative circuitry. Like conventional generators, inverter generators produce AC power, but that current is then altered to DC, straight back to regular AC power. The resulting AC power is no longer in block waves however in single-phase sine waves at standard frequency and voltage. The power made by inverter generators is clean and can be used to power any device which uses microprocessors.

Conventional generators are still the most well-known types of generators, however, inverter generators have been set to overtake traditional types after our world becomes more and more digital. Below are some reasons why you have to opt for an inverter generator over a standard one.

1. Cleaner power

As I've mentioned previously, inverter generators create clean, pure sine wave output which may power any appliance or device with sensitive circuitry. This wouldn't be a major deal a few years or two ago when mobile devices were are their infancy and smart objects have never been invented yet. Nowadays, however, nearly most household appliances eventually have microprocessors built from televisions and refrigerators to washing machines and home security systems.

The clean power created by inverter generators enables you to energise sophisticated electronics like laptops and smart TVs even when the electricity is out. You never need to worry about power surges ruining your expensive gadgets.

2. Improved energy efficiency

Traditional generators run at a constant speed to produce its maximum rated power when you need it. If a traditional petrol generator is meant to produce 5000 W of power, the output will maintain a continuous 5000 W even if you're only using 500 W of power. You cannot reduce its electricity output to conserve fuel because standard generators only aren't designed like this.

Inverter generators, on the other hand, are a lot more efficient than traditional generators. The generator's complex electronics can detect just how much of its output is really consumed. The microprocessor, consequently, can diminish the rate at which the generator also works to produce only the needed quantity of power. This feature will save yourself a lot of fuel and cash. Some models can even decrease the gasoline consumed by around 40 percent.

3. Quiet operation

Inverter generators create less sound than conventional generators. They create less sound because the microprocessor can regulate the rate at which the engine is operating. Lower rates translate to reduce sound. Inverter generators can also be fitted with noise-reducing features like mufflers, sound-dampening casing, and quieter motors. This creates the generator ideal for use in conditions where you don't need to draw attention, and in which sound is controlled. Your ears will also enjoy the quiet operation of an inverter generator.

4. Portability

Inverter generators are designed to be lighter and more considerably more compact than traditional generators. Since they are a comparatively recent innovation, engineers have the liberty to use lighter and newer stuff and employ more modern methods to better incorporate the generator's different mechanical bits. The electronics have also replaced some of the thicker parts.

5. Parallel functioning

Among the greatest features of inverter generators is you can hook multiple generators with one another to raise the electricity output. This attribute is called parallel functioning. It's possible to join two or more inverter generators so that they function as one. Their sine waves will most likely be synchronised so performance won't be compromised.

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