Top Money Saving Tips for Redecorating Your Home

Top Money Saving Tips for Redecorating Your Home

Redecorating your home can be a fun, exciting yet often expensive project; with several aspects to consider. Whether you are just looking to paint a few walls in your bedroom or get your whole home kitted out with stylish furniture, doing a bit of savvy shopping and engaging with your creative side can help you get much more for your money.

FreeCycle & Charity Shops

Charity shops and sites such as FreeCycle, Freegle and Preloved are a great way of getting the furniture you want at an incredibly low price – and even free! Charity shops are ideal for finding small furnishings and additions to your home that you can pick up for a great price. Start your shop with a budget of say £20, and you can come to the end of your bargain hunting day with a selection of great homewares you love. For larger furniture items such as sofas and wardrobes, the online sites like FreeCycle team up people looking for a piece of furniture, with people looking to get rid of their old furniture. They’re members vary from those moving home, investing in a new piece of furniture or those who were given unwanted gifts. 

Do A Bit of DIY

Doing it yourself is a great way to save on extra costs if you are particularly crafty or handy with tools. Even if you aren’t that into DIY, you can use your skills if you can use a hammer or screwdriver without being a danger to anyone (skip this step if you are a hazard; don’t worry, we’ve all been there). Depending on your skill level you can choose to use your tools in a couple of different ways:

Flat Pack: For many of us, flat pack is as far as we are willing to go in terms of DIY, and there is certainly no shame in that. With the cost of flat pack furniture being significantly lower than ready made furniture, from desks to kitchen units you can save on putting it together by yourself compared to getting ready made or getting someone else in to do it. Make it a team effort and you have an evening of DIY fun on your hands!

Building Your Own: Alongside the option of putting together flat pack furniture, you can also make smaller or larger pieces all by yourself. This is of course more time consuming and takes more skill, but anything from putting up your own shelf to making your own bookcase will certainly help you revamp your home on a budget. You can even save on the tools themselves by going on voucher codes websites such as Promo Codes For and shopping at Homebase or Anglia Tool Centre; and upcycle old furniture to create a new masterpiece for your home.

Get Paint Sample Pots

Paint sample pots available from places such as Wilko, Homebase and Wickes are ideal not only if you don’t know what colour you want, but also for painting a smaller room, painting a room different colours or painting piece of furniture. Many retailers offer deals such as 3 for £1 on small sample pots, and you can try out different techniques or patterns to suit your home, without fear of using a whole paint can that you won’t be using.

Revamp Old Furniture

If you don’t have the tools or time to make your own new table or chair, and can’t find one for you at a charity shop, upcycling what you already have it a simple way to give your home a boost. From tables to beds, you can find some creative ways to revamp old furnishings on places such as YouTube and Pinterest. Try painting your old furniture in an Ombre style, reupholstering old chairs or adding decoration from wood panels to personal photos. 

Saving money doesn’t always mean skimping on style, and now you can create the home you’ve always dreamed of by adding a personal twist on usual designs. Browsing the charity shops, finding old furniture that can be brought back to life and investing in your own artistic skills are great ways to get the home you want on a budget from sofa savings to getting money off paint.  

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