Choosing the Best Flooring for Your Home


Choosing the right sort of flooring is so important and can really give your home the right sort of look and feel. From lounges, to bedrooms, to kitchens and bathrooms; there are so many different choices of materials to place underfoot. So, let’s take a look at the benefits and downsides of the choices you have for your home.


Tiled floors are ideal as a hard wearing, attractive option and can last for decades if laid well and if the style is timeless. The choice here is between ceramic and porcelain tiles. Tiles work well in anything from bathrooms, to kitchens and back hallways and are very functional as they are easy to clean and maintain. However, they do tend to be a little cold underfoot and this can mean that they are not so suitable for bedrooms or tv room and other areas where cosines are needed.


The carpet is the best option where warmth is a necessity and is ideal for bedrooms, TV rooms and living room. Of course, there is a wide range of carpet styles on offer and carpets differ in their staining, acoustic, colours and maintenance properties. Dark carpets with a short pile are usually best for young families as they are easy to clean and hard to stain.


Stone offers a beautiful finish and can really be one of the most impressive of all materials in a home. Limestone and granite are commonly used in the home and are finished with either a rough, honed or polished finish and often sealed with an epoxy to ensure longevity.

Composite stone can provide an alternative to the real thing and is made of a mixture of natural stone and other organic items, all of which are stuck together with acrylic resins. This stone comes in a range of colours, finishes and with all sorts of additions included.

Hardwood floor

Hardwood flooring is very classy and gives your home and office a luxurious charm. The hardwood floor has really come back into fashion of late and because of this is very expensive. People love the idea of an old oak floor in the home, though this has increased the price. Recycled options are often more expensive due to their strength and also their character. Modern wooden floor is cut at a younger age and the trees do not grow for as long and therefore aren’t of the same high quality as the hardwood of old. However, taking care of a hardwood floor with a belt sander and some materials does ensure the life is lengthened substantially.


Cork may seem a little unfashionable; however for families with young children it can be very practical. Cork is very soft on knees and hands and also warm underfoot. It’s also easy to keep clean and also absorbs noise. There is also a choice of colours and styles and all are finished with polyurethane, like most other forms of timber floors.

Timber Laminate

This is a lower costing option to timber flooring and can often be extremely hard wearing and high in quality. It’s also very easy to clean and often comes with decades of a warranty, while is a much lower price than real timber.

Yellow Tongue Flooring

Chipboard has a bad name but can in fact leave a good finish and look quite attractive. If sanded, stained and coated it can work well as a finished floor and also lasts the test of time once it is treated well and maintained. It’s important that a black tint is added to the coating to ensure longevity.

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